Page 16 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
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Desert Wings GLI¿FXOW\)URPVKRUWQDWXUHWUDLOVWRORQJ brechti at (661) 317-2139. Use your PLAY- October 30, 2015
strenuous hikes, you’re sure to find a trail pass here!
16 to your liking. With more than 400 climbing
formations and 8,000 climbing routes, Joshua Lunchtime Disc Golf at Mojave Greens:
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 15 Tree also offers challenging climbs for all lev- Wednesdays, noon, Mojave Greens Disc Golf Teen Council: A Teen Council is being
els of climbing ability. It is truly a world-class Course, Hole 1. Join us for a round of lunch- formed to give a voice for teens within the
Game Night Club: Meets every Tuesday climbing destination. Alcoholic beverages are time golf. Players of all skill levels are in- community. The Teen Center is looking for
and Thursday, 4-7:30 p.m. in classrooms A not permitted. vited to attend. Experienced golfers will be on teens associated with other teen youth groups
and B. hand to offer advice and work with beginners. i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Chapel Youth
Pool Hours Equipment will be available for loan. Take Groups, NHS, ASB, Home Schooled, and
Zumba Oasis Pool Now Open this opportunity to meet other disc golfers on any other teen youth groups. Representatives
Monday and Wednesday: 11 a.m.-noon. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.–7 p.m.; Early base and challenge each other on the course! will meet once a month and discuss teen is-
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7–8 sues on base. If interested, contact Anthony
p.m. Morning Lap Lap Swim Tuesdays and Thurs- Equipment Orientation Classes: Tuesday, Quinnert at Desert High School or Mr. Paul
Tuesday: 4:30–5:30 p.m. days, 6 a.m.-8 a.m.; Closed on weekends and 10-11 a.m., Wednesday, 4-5 p.m., and Thurs- at the Teen Center.
Cost is $3 per person, per class, discount holidays day, 7-8 p.m. Not sure how to use equipment
for advanced purchase a 10-classes. or what it does for you? Stop by the front desk Youth of the Year: Do you have what it
Sonic Splash Pool and Muroc Pool closed and sign up for this one-hour class. We are takes to represent Edwards AFB at the local,
Monthly Instructional Classes for the season. KHUHWRKHOS\RXJHWWKHPRVWRXWRI\RXU¿W- district, state, regional and potentially national
All classes are conducted at the Oasis Com- ness routine. level? If so you can earn thousands and thou-
Rosburg Fitness Center sands of scholarship dollars. Check with your
munity Center. For more information, call (661) Teen Center local teen center.
275-2687. Use your PLAYpass here. 210 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-GYM1
100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-275- Youth Programs
Classical Guitar Lessons: Cost is $28 per Healthy Weight Class: Thursdays, noon- 8336
half hour lesson, per student. Call for avail- 1:30 p.m. Call the HAWC for more informa- 24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437
able lesson days/times. tion. <(6<RXWK(PSOR\PHQW6NLOOVThe YES
Program will begin in the 2015-2016 school Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project
Basic/Beginning Drum Lessons: Cost is Tae Kwon Do: Cost: A children’s monthly year and helps teens earn money for college. Learn: Monday-Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m. Power
$28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for pass is $65, an adult monthly pass is $70, and The program is open to teens whose parent Hour: making minutes count helps club mem-
available lesson days/times. a daily pass is $9 per day. For more informa- is active duty Air Force. Teens can earn up bers (ages 6-12) become successful in school
tion, call Kumye Moore at (661) 860-9292. to a $1,000 towards their post high school by providing homework help/ tutoring while
Piano Lessons: Cost is $28 per half hour Use your PLAYpass here! education. Contact the Teen Center for more encouraging members to become self-directed
lesson, per student. Call for available lesson information. learners. See Ms. Jasmine for details and to
days/times. Personal Trainers: Cost is $40 per hour sign up.
session, $25 for a half-hour session. Call to Keystone Club: Meets 2:15 p.m., Wednes-
.LQGHU¿GGOHEHJLQQLQJYLROLQCost is schedule your appointment and start reaching days in the Teen Center. The Keystone Club Torch Club: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in
$28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for WKRVH¿WQHVVJRDOV)RUDSSRLQWPHQWVFDOO-HII is a leadership club that performs community the Torch Room. Torch clubs are charter,
available lesson days/times. Walden at (210) 723-2052, Johnny Johnson at service projects around the base. The club small-group leadership and service clubs for
(660) 233-2141 or Lauren Brandin at (210) also helps teens to maintain focus in high boys and girls ages 9-12. It is a powerful ve-
Hula Lessons: Thursday, $20 per month 723-2052. Use your PLAYpass here! school and graduate and prepare for college. hicle through which club staff can help meet
for beginners, $25 per month for intermediate the special character development needs of
and advanced. Massage Therapy: Cost is $40 for 30 min- younger adolescents at a critical stage in their
utes, $70 for an hour, or $100 one and a half development. See Mr. Andrew for details.
Outdoor Recreation hours. Available 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Monday,
Tuesday and Thursday, by appointment only.
1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP Couples massage is also offered. For more
information and appointments, call Brittni Al-
Climbing/Hiking at Joshua Tree: Nov. 7,
depart at 7 a.m., return to ODR at 6 p.m. Reg-
ister by Nov. 4. Cost is $30. Minimum of 10,
maximum of 12 participants. Price includes
transportation, guide and gear. Anyone under
18 years must be accompanied by a parent or
adult guardian. Joshua Tree offers an exten-
sive network of trails of varying length and
Mary’s Place Menu (Bldg. 1600)
Nov. 2-6
All Specials $7.89--Drink not included
Lunch Specials Dinner Specials
10:30 a.m-1 p.m. 5-8 p.m.
Pork rib tips Chicken Alfredo
Baked beans and coleslaw Noodles and vegetables
Meatloaf Open-faced turkey
Mashed potatoes with gravy Mashed potatoes and gravy
Vegetables Vegetables
Chicken teriyaki Wednesday
Fried rice and egg roll
Spaghetti and meatballs
Taco salad Garlic bread
Refried beans Side salad
Spanish rice
Baked cod or fried catfish
Macaroni and cheese Chicken enchilada
Hushpuppies or vegetables Refried beans
Spanish rice
Menu subject to change
Baked cod or fried catfish
Macaroni and cheese
Hushpuppies or vegetables