Page 14 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 14

Desert Wings                                                                                                                                    October 30, 2015


ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 13                                             UHODWHG¿HOGWHUPLQDOGHJUHHSUHIHUUHGSURIHVVLRQDOH[SHUL-       High Desert Lanes Bowling Center
                                                                   ence, and preferably experience teaching at the graduate level.
machine can engrave on a variety of materials—glass, plastic,      Applicants please send resume/vita to             205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, 661-275-BOWL
wood, metal, etc. We will match any price within the local AV      For more information, call Karen Fudala at 661-258-8501.
community.                                                                                                                                Spook and Bowl: Oct. 31, 6 p.m.-midnight. Cosmic Bowl-
                                                                   Family Child Care                                                    ing with a ghoulish twist! Costumes are welcome. Prizes for
Club Muroc                                                                                                                              the best, worst costumes and fun for all ages. Multiple age
                                                                     Conference Center, Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620, 661-275-4322         categories, so bring your best costumes! Reservations encour-
  275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB                                                                                                   aged.
                                                                     Unlicensed Child Care: Air Force Instruction 34-276, Fam-
  Football Frenzy: Browns @ Bengals, Nov. 5, doors open            ily Child Care Programs, requires individuals in family hous-          Hook Up 2 Bowling: Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m. Cost is $119 for
at 5 p.m. Enjoy food and drink specials all night. Members         ing (military or privatized) who provide child care in their         adults, $99 for children 17 and under. Do you want to learn
enter for a chance to win two 2016 NFL game Tickets! $50           home for more than 10 child care hours per week to be a              how to bowl but don’t know how to start? Hook Up 2 Bowling
gift card given out each week! Not a member? Sign up today!        licensed provider. A child care hour is the number of hours          was designed just for you! Hook Up 2 Bowling provides a mix
                                                                   times the number of children in care. If unlicensed does not         of group instruction and on-the-lane lessons in a relaxed learn-
  TGIF: First Friday of each month, 4-6 p.m. in Pancho’s and       stop, the Base Commander can revoke your privilege of living         ing environment. You’ll learn etiquette, terminology, proper
Fogelman’s. Celebrate the weekend with friends and family!         in base housing. If you need FCC services ensure the provider        behavior, and of course, the fundamentals of bowling. Gradu-
There will be light hors d‘oeuvres served in both lounges. Free    is licensed. Each approved home, will have a license hanging         ates receive a bowling ball, bag, and towel. Register today!
for members, $5 for non-members.                                   in the home and a sign on the outside of the home.
                                                                                                                                          Turkey Bowl: Nov. 7, 6 p.m.-midnight. Cosmic bowling
  Football Frenzy: Bills @ Jets: Nov. 12, doors open at 5            Family Child Care is seeking dedicated people who love             with a special “Turkey” for you bowlers! Come check out the
p.m. Enjoy food and drink specials all night. Members enter        working with children: If you live on-base and want to care          action and try to win your Thanksgiving Turkey on us. Many
for a chance to win two 2016 NFL game Tickets! $50 gift card       for children in your home or you are a military dependent and        other prizes up for grabs all night!
given out each week! Not a member? Sign up today!                  OLYHRIIEDVH\RXPD\EHHOLJLEOHWREHDOLFHQVHGRUDI¿OLDWHG
                                                                   provider! Make a positive difference in the lives of children!         King of the Hill Tournament: Nov. 15; registration begins
  Fight Frenzy: UFC 193: Nov. 14, 7 p.m. Free for members,         Most materials and training are provided free of charge!             at 10 a.m., bowling for score starts at 11 a.m. Entry fee is $30
$10 for non-members. Women’s Bantamweight Champion-                                                                                     per person. This is a handicap event, handicap 80 percent of
ship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Holly Holm Live from Melbourne,           Moms, Pops & Tots: Meets second and fourth Thursday of             $OOERZOHUVERZO¿YHJDPHVDFURVV¿YHSDLURIODQHV
Australia.                                                         each month. FCC offers free playgroup sessions for parents           ,IOHVVWKDQERZOHUVVWDQGLQJVDUH¿QDODIWHU¿YHJDPHV
                                                                   and children to share in the development of their child’s early      If more than 15 bowlers a ratio of 1:5 advance to a steplad-
  Trivia in Pancho’s: Thursdays starting at 4 p.m. Open to         skills, abilities, social interactions, and individuality-all while  GHU¿QDOEDVHGXSRQTXDOLI\LQJSRVLWLRQV/DQHVZLOOQRWEH
all ranks. Enjoy Pancho’s bar for fun, food, drinks and to play    having fun together and meet new friends. To sign up or for          UHGUHVVHGSULRUWRVWHSODGGHU¿QDOV3UL]HIXQGSD\VRXWLQD
Trivia, starts at 6 p.m. Beer specials will be served. 1st place   more information, call Tasha Bushrod at 661-275-4322.                1:5 ratio. Entry is broken down as follows: $10 lineage, $20
team will receive $100 FSS Gift Card, 2nd place receive $50                                                                             prize fund.
FSS Gift Card.                                                       Extended Duty Care: The Air Force offers the Extended
                                                                   Duty Care Program to assist parents who need additional child          Birthday Bowl: Bowl up to three games free between 11
  Members Birthday Month Coupon: Pick up Tuesday–Fri-              care beyond their normal arrangements due to mission related         a.m. and 6 p.m. on your birthday during the month of Novem-
day, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Happy Birthday from Club Muroc! Stop           requirements. Children must already be enrolled in the Child         ber. Open to all ages. (ID required)
by the club during your birthday month and we’ll give you a        Development Center, the School Age Program or the Family
coupon for a free meal! Offer valid for Edwards club mem-          Child Care Program to qualify. To enroll in this free Extend-          Birthday Party Packages: Three packages available:
bers only.                                                         ed Duty Program or for more information, please contact the                                          See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 15
Daily Lunch Specials                                                                                                                           NASA’S American Eatery
  All Club Specials are $9.25                                        PCS Care: PCS care is a program offered by Air Force Aid
  Monday: Chef Special, Membership Special: $2 off any             Society offering 20 hours of free child care during your PCS                                    (Bldg. 4825)
                                                                   in or out of Edwards! For more information, contact FCC Co-
meal over $6                                                       ordinator at 661-275-4322 or AFRC Center at 661-277-0723.                                    Nov. 2–6
  Tuesday: Meat Loaf, Chicken Parmesan                                                                                                                  10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  Wednesday: Chicken Fried Steak, Pork Chops
  Thursday: Roast Beef, Tempura Chicken                                                                                                                         Monday
  Friday: New York Steak, Tilapia                                                                                                                 Three pieces of fried chicken
                                                                                                                                                   Mashed potatoes and gravy
Education and Training
  140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, 661-277-2713
  Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has                                                                                                      Beef taco salad
CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of your
CCAF degree. Call 661-277-2713, or stop by Bldg. 2435, 7:30                                                                                                  Wednesday
a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier than you think!                                                                                                Meat loaf

  Webster University, an ACBSP regionally accredited uni-                                                                                          Mashed potatoes and gravy
versity, is looking for potential faculty to teach graduate-level                                                                                             Vegetables

       DESERT JUNIOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                       Thursday
        QUARTER AUCTION                                                                                                                                   Chicken teriyaki
                                                                                                                                                      Fried rice and egg roll
           Hosted By: DJSHS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
        DATE: TUESDAY, 10 November 2015                                                                                                                         Closed
        TIME: Doors/Food Booths open 5:00p.m.                                                                                                   All Blue Plate Specials—$7.89
        Auction/Raffles: 5:30-8:30p.m.                                                                                                                  Drink not included.

        COST: $5.00 ENTRANCE FEE                                                                                                           Medium Beverage $1.99, Large $2.09

              (Includes one paddle and one raffle ticket)                                                                               Robin Hood & Anthony’s Pizza Food Facili-
                                                                                                                                                            ties Available
Bring quarters for the auction…Extra paddles $1.00 ea.

Local Vendors like Pampered Chef, Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware and
many more will be there to support the school.

Come and have fun - Bring extra money for dinner, raffle tickets
and extra paddles.

                                                                                                                                        Menu subject to change
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