Page 18 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
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    Call Today, Place an Ad!        Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30                                                                                                                                        Job Description: DISTRICT MANAGER
          Aerotech News               Test Wing Bldg 1400            —TUCK                                                                                                                        PART TIME, 10-20 HOURS PER WEEK
           877-247-9288              Conference Room 414              adopted 05-04-11

       Announcements               Meeting Agendas Include:     ASRC Federal InuTeq is seeking a highly skilled and
                                       Prepared Speeches        motivated system engineer to join our RF&ESS
    DONT FORGET!                       Speech Evaluations       contract team in support of our NASA customer
                                        For Information,        located at Edwards AFB, Calif.
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE                Call Laquita Dukes        Position:
      TUESDAY @ NOON                       412 CS/SCPT
          EACH WEEK!                       661-275-9201         System Engineer III

CLASSIFIED                                                      Responsibilities:                                                                                                            JOB SUMMARY:                             Management/Administrative tasks:
Campus Events Technician (RN15-32)                              6 Works with Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) project teams to develop, test                                          Management of administrative and         t Ability to professionally deal with
Deadline: 11/30/15                                                                                                                                                                           financial tasks for a public agency,
                                                                      and maintain IT System Security Plans (SSP) based on FISMA and NIST guidelines.                                        under direction of the Board of              the public, including representing
Financial Aid Technician I (RN15-35)                            6 Acts as IT point of contact/liaison for supported project teams.                                                           Directors.                                   the District in various negotiations
Deadline: 11/30/15                                              6 Acts as a project leader for major product/project designs and implementations.                                            APPLICANT WILL HAVE:                     t Prepare protocols for various
                                                                6 Supports development of IT solutions to meet the needs of projects and                                                     t 3 years experience as manager,            tasks needed, including: cash
Secretary (RN15-31)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       transactions, banking procedures,
(Language Arts/Academic Development)                                  organizations within AFRC.                                                                                                 within the last three years or           investment needs
Deadline: 11/30/15                                              Requirements:                                                                                                                    commensurate experience              t Timely collection of various
                                                                6 Bachelor’s in MIS, computer science or a closely related field strongly preferred. In                                      t Excellent English communication           documents from Director’s to
CMS                                                                                                                                                                                              and writing skills                       comply with regulations (ie: Form
Manager, Instructional & Support Services                             lieu of degree, eight years of relevant work experience and equivalent technical/                                      t Experience with QuickBooks within         700)
(RN15-7) (ITS)                                                        vocational certifications.                                                                                                 last five years.                     t Develop a calendar of report
Deadline: 11/30/15                                              6 Minimum of five years’experience in systems engineering and in-depth knowledge                                             Responsibilities include:                    completion for governmental
                                                                      of the system engineering life cycle process and project management processes.                                         t Clear communication with Board            agencies including: Kern County,
TEMP, SHORT-TERM HOURLY (Pools)                                 6 Experience with IT Security concepts and implementation of security controls in                                                of Directors                             State of California, Federal IRS.
                                                                      compliance with requirements.                                                                                          t Preparation of Minutes and            t Coordinate tasks with part time
(To be reviewed as received, hired as needed)                   6 Systems architecture experience including hardware and software requirements                                                   Agendas for monthly meetings             staff
                                                                      allocation and interface definition is required.                                                                       t Completion of tasks as directed by    Variety of skills, including:
Clerical Assistant II (RN15-8)                                  6 Experience in engineering project planning and estimating.                                                                     the Board                            t Highly skilled in computer
Deadline: 11/30/15                                              6 Must be a US citizen and be able to obtain and maintain a Secret clearance, if                                             t Ensuring District compliance              operations: including Microsoft
                                                                      necessary.                                                                                                                 with all governmental reports,           office applications, QuickBooks.
For a complete listing and details of all open positions and                                                                                                                                     requirements                         t Skilled in use of copiers, scanners
how to apply, select the HR Employment link on the AVC          Interested candidates should visit and apply to                                                      t Compliance with accounting                and fax machines.
website at:                                                     Requisition ID No. 15000911.                                                                                                     standards required of the District   t Excellent organizational skills,
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Adherence to District                     document management and record
                                           Recruiting contact: Janet Lukacko |                                                                Administrative Code                      keeping skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Independent thinking, representing    t Ability to attend conferences or
or contact: Human Resources 6MÄJLH[!";++      ASRC Federal is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for      the goals of the Board and the           webinars by (California Special
  ">LZ[(]LU\L23HUJHZ[LY*(        employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.                community we serve                       District Association) to broaden
                                                                                                                                                                                             Financial tasks:                             understanding of needs of this
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Works with part time staff to             public agency.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ensure quality recording of income   t Ability to perform tasks of a small
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and expenses in a timely manner,         office, including: filing, meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and banking in a timely manner           with contractors outside of usual
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Preparation of financial reports for      hours if needed, shopping for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Board review monthly                     needed items for office/District
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Work with Finance Committee               function, responding to tenant
                                                                                                                                                                                                 composed of Directors on tasks           urgent needs, occasional light
                                                                                                                                                                                                 from time to time                        cleaning tasks.
                                                                                                                                                                                             t Ability to work with contracted
                                                                                                                                                                                                 independent auditors biennially

                                                                                                                                                                                             Fax resume to 760-373-1054
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