Page 13 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
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October 30, 2015 Announcements Desert Wings 13
Force Support Squadron mercial and instructors’ ratings. The choice is yours. Whether Retired military survivor assistance is also available. Help is
your aim is recreational or a career path, your Aero Club will DYDLODEOHWR¿OHFODLPVWKURXJKYDULRXVDJHQFLHV')$6%$
5 N. Seller’s Ave., Bldg. 3000 train you to the highest standard with safety always foremost. SSA and OPM. For more information, contact John Phillips
at 661-277-3757.
Tops in Blue Airman and Family Readiness
Nov. 14, 7 p.m. at the Base Theater. Join Tops in Blue, as Arts and Crafts Center/Auto Hobby
90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723
they perform “Freedom’s Song,” a celebration of the freedom 200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-275-AUTO
we enjoy as Americans. This year’s tour features the exciting Women’s, Infants’ & Children’s Clinic: Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m.-
sounds of the top of the charts along with popular American 3 p.m., closed for lunch noon-1 p.m. Open for both walk-ins Instructors Needed: Attention all artists and crafters! If
music of the past. Of course, no Tops in Blue show would and appointments. For an appointment or voucher informa- \RX¶UHFUHDWLYHZHQHHG\RX7KH$UWV &UDIWV&HQWHULV
be complete without the great patriotic music that honors our tion, call 1-866-327-3074 toll free. seeking out instructors of all types. Come and share your cre-
nation and its heroes. Add the high energy precision choreog- ative knowledge with a diverse group of students looking for
raphy and dazzling visual impact Tops in Blue is known for and Pre-Separation Counseling: Nov. 4, 8:30-11 a.m. This is painting, drawing, photography, scrapbooking and other craft/
every member of the audience will be singing along and danc- DSUHUHTXLVLWHIRUWKH¿YHGD\7UDQVLWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH3URJUDP art related instruction. No prior instructor experience neces-
ing in their seats. For more information, call 661-275-CNTR. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. sary — if you are knowledgeable then we are looking for you!
Sponsorship Opportunities Key Spouse Program Training: Nov. 10, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. more information.
Attention local business operators; Reach your military Quarterly initial training for NEW Key Spouses. This session
provides an introduction to the Key Spouse Program and in- Basic Vehicle Maintenance Class: Saturdays, 10 a.m. Cost
market! Edwards Services is proud to provide businesses the cludes multiple speakers who cover various topics. is $15 per person. Participants will learn the basics of good
opportunity to show support of our military members through vehicle maintenance. Learn how to operate a lift, change your
the AF Commercial Sponsorship Program. From 4th of July’s Federal Job Search & Federal Resume Class, Ten Steps to oil, and check and balance your tires. Call the Auto Hobby
Freedom Fest to the annual Children’s Holiday Party held in Federal Employment: Nov. 10, 10-11:30 a.m. This class will Shop at 661-275-AUTO (2887) for more information.
December, the Edwards Services does it’s best to show appre- help customers understand how to navigate and
ciation for the commitment of excellence the men and women to utilize the search engine features. It will assist customers to Smog Testing: Edwards Auto Hobby performs smog
of Edwards AFB provide every day. We are seeking support create an account and understand how the Federal application checks: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday; and 9 a.m.-6 p.m.,
for these events and more in the form of funding and event system works. Saturday. Call ahead to see what times are available.
enhancements. Sponsors will receive recognition such as logo
placement on advertising materials, booth space onsite during Volunteer Registration: All volunteers with Edwards’AFB Towing Service Available through Auto Hobby: Tuesday-
the event, verbal acknowledgement, mention in base news- RI¿FLDORUJDQL]DWLRQVXQLWVQHHGWRUHJLVWHUZLWKWKH$ )5& Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost is $52. Towing is available both
papers, and opportunities to network with event participants. Volunteer Coordinator, Al Laxamana at 661-277-2972. Orga- on- and off-base (there’s a charge of $6 per mile charge past
All offers of sponsorship must be received no later than three nizations or agencies that need volunteers and folks looking any of the gates. Call Auto Hobby for more information
months prior to the event date. Contact Tiffany Meyer at 661- IRUYROXQWHHURSSRUWXQLWLHVPD\DOVRFRQWDFW$LUPHQ )DPLO\
277-6809, FSS/SVK, 205 W. Popson Ave Bldg. 2500, Edwards Readiness to be included on a distribution list. Frame Shop: We have the Best prices in the Antelope Val-
AFB, CA 93524. ley when it comes to custom framing—are prices can’t be beat
4 Lenses™ Assessment: 4 Lenses™ is founded on the real- and remember there is NO SALES TAX!
This is a solicitation for commercial sponsorship by a Non- ization that each individual has unique strengths and motiva-
appropriated Fund Instrumentality of the U.S. government. It tions. The 4 Lenses™ assessment helps organizations build Oil Changes and Alignments: We offer very competitive
does not obligate appropriated funds or nonappropriated funds a solid understanding of the innate talent and potential of its prices as well as services in mounting and balancing. No tax
of the government. individuals. The 4-Lenses™ instrument was created from the or waste fees. Come visit Auto Hobby at Bldg. 2440 or call
research of the Myers Briggs’ Personality Type Indicator, as 661-275-AUTO (2886).
book, Please Understand Me. Call Maria at 661-277-7618 to Wood Shop: Available 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Tuesday through Sat-
320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-275-AERO schedule a 4 Lenses™ assessment for your organization/team. urday. For the wood working hobbyist, the Arts and Crafts
Center provides a variety of equipment that includes band
Flight Training: Private, Instrumment, Commercial, ATP, Hearts Apart: This is a support group and social network saws, table saws, a drill press and much more, for a minimal
CFI, CFII, and ATP. Aircraft rentals range from $131-$145 per for families of deployed members and an opportunity to meet cost of $2 per hour. A safety course is required to use the Wood
hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. Multi-Engine, with leadership. Sign-up is required. For more information, Shop. For more information, call 661-275-2787 or stop by the
Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII. Aircraft $300 per hour, in- call 661-277-0723. Arts and Crafts Center in Bldg. 2440.
structor $45 per hour by appointment.
Military Family Life Consultant: A Military Family Life Auto Hobby: Your Auto Hobby Center is new and im-
and a Baron for rent. Contact the Aero Club for reservations bers, spouses, family members, friends and staff members of accessories—you can purchase these items to use yourself
and costs. address issues such as relationships, deployment, parenting, or Auto Hobby can do the work for you! We will match or beat
stress, grief and many other issues. Consultations are free and any maintenance and repair prices (except for warranty work).
Learn to Fly: The sky is the limit at the Edwards AFB Aero anonymous—no records are kept. To make an appointment, We can also take care of special orders on parts.
Club. Experience the thrill of piloting an aircraft. Your local call 661-742-4733.
$HUR&OXESURYLGHVPDQ\VWDJHVRIÀLJKWWUDLQLQJIURP\RXU Engraving: New and improved laser-engraver—the qual-
¿UVWLQWURGXFWRU\ÀLJKWWKURXJKVRORWKHQRQWRSULYDWHFRP- 6%3&DVXDOW\$VVLVWDQFH2I¿FHThe SBP and Casualty ity of our product will exceed your expectations! Our new
married or single must make a valid election prior to retiring. See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 14
Chapel Corner
This is a weekly segment in Desert Wings to highlight a spiritual focus Monday-Thursday Sunday
for the Edwards community: 11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass, 8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service,
Chapel 2 Chapel 1
Through our character±DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÀHFWRQLPSRUWDQWLVVXHV 1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1 9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
in our community: 10 a.m. – Protestant Traditional
Thursday Service, Chapel 1
,W¶VVRHDV\WRJHW¿UHGXSDQGFRPSODLQDERXWZKDW¶VKDSSHQLQJLQ:DVKLQJWRQ 5:30 p.m. – Wiccan/Pagan Worship, 11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary
makes things worse. Of course, very few of us have any impact in those locations. 4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
One person reminds us, “We let what’s happening there steal our hope about Friday
to make a difference in your home, your neighborhood and your workplace. What Chapel 1 We also offer weekly small group
can you do to make a difference? studies. Please contact us for infor-
mation on times and locations.
Through our prayers – an opportunity to pray for the needs of our com-
7KLVZHHN¶VUHTXHVW Pray for wisdom and creativity in how you can make
a difference in your home, your neighborhood, and your workplace.