Page 10 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
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Desert Wings                               Community News                                                                                                                 October 30, 2015


Annual ‘Pumpkin Patrol’ trick or treat event Oct. 31

  For most people Halloween means three           and drivers can see you by wearing light         WK7HVW:LQJ6DIHW\2I¿FHDW                                                                    Courtesy photograph
things: costumes, trick or treating and           FRORUVSODFLQJUHÀHFWLYHWDSHRQ\RXUFRV-      4640.
months of free candy. All these things are        WXPHVDQGE\FDUU\LQJDÀDVKOLJKWRUJORZ                                                       out in base housing during trick-or-treating
what make a traditional Halloween a fun           stick with you. Make sure your costume is        Motorists                                       to ensure everyone is employing good safety
time to be shared by both children and adults.    ÀDPHUHWDUGDQWLIDWDOOSRVVLEOHLQFDVHDQ\    Be especially careful when driving            practices.
                                                  jack-o-lanterns jump out at you), and make
  However, just remember the creepy crawl-        sure knives, swords and other accessories are    through the housing area for children dart-       If you need to report any mishaps or emer-
ers, ghosts and ghouls are not all you should     PDGHIURPÀH[LEOHPDWHULDOZLWKQRVKDUS        ing out into the streets and when pulling in    JHQFLHVSOHDVH¿QGWKHQHDUHVWWK6)6
EHDZDUHRIRQWKLVIULJKW¿OOHGQLJKW           edges.                                           and out of drive ways. Security forces will be  member or Pumpkin Patrol volunteer, or call
                                                                                                                                                   the Emergency Communications Center at
  To protect you from the other scares, the         Does your costume have a long cape or                                                          661-277-3343/3340.
412th Security Forces Squadron and the            are you wearing a long dress? Make sure it
squadron’s Pumpkin Patrol volunteers will         won’t make you trip and fall. You don’t want
be keeping a watchful eye Oct. 31 during the      to spill all the candy you collected!
designated trick or treating hours of 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m.                                         Parents and Trick or Treaters
                                                    Walk, don’t run, from house to house and
  Although Pumpkin Patrol is an extra spe-
cial treat for parents by providing an added      always use sidewalks when available. If
level of security for children throughout the     there is no sidewalk, be sure to walk on the
night, we cannot stress enough the important      OHIWVLGHRIWKHURDGIDFLQJWUDI¿F
role each parent and child plays in ensuring
VDIHW\FRPHV¿UVW                                  Plot out a trick or treat map with your
                                                  mom or dad. Figure out which houses you
  By following some simple guidelines we          want to go to and how long you think you’ll
hope we can keep our community safe during        be gone. If mom and dad aren’t going with
trick-or-treating for yet another year.           you, make sure you carry the map so you
                                                  don’t get lost. Do not enter any homes with-
Costume                                           out adult supervision.
  It’s important to make sure you can see.
                                                    Thoroughly inspect all candy before de-
Those scary masks can sometimes make it           vouring and throw out any with open or dam-
hard so a great alternative is face paint, but    aged wrappings, no matter how delicious it
WHVWLW¿UVWWRPDNHVXUHWKHUHDUHQRDOOHUJLF  looks. For additional safety tips, contact the
reactions. Also, make sure other pedestrians

Make sure you have a safe, happy halloween

by Christina Harp                       RI¿UHUHWDUGDQWPDWHULDOVKRXOGEH    area before painting the entire face       ‡&KLOGUHQROGHQRXJKWRJRRXW       turn off your outside light
412th Test Wing Ground Safety                                                     ‡ :KHQ SXUFKDVLQJ +DOORZHHQ        alone? Ensure you know the path
                                        worn                                                                             they are taking and give them a time     Pumpkin carving
Motorists                                 ‡(QVXUHVKRHVILWSURSHUO\DQG      make-up, check the packaging to          to report back home                        ‡ 6PDOO FKLOGUHQ VKRXOG QHYHU
  ‡%HDOHUWDQGGULYHVORZO\WKURXJK                                          see if the ingredients are “Made with
                                        costume is not too long, tripping       U.S. Approved Color Additives,”            ‡(QVXUHFKLOGUHQGRQRWHDWDQ\      carve a pumpkin, let parents do the
the neighborhoods                                                               “Laboratory Tested,” and “Meets          candy until they return home so you      cutting
  ‡:DWFKIRUFKLOGUHQGDUWLQJRXW     hazards are the number one cause        Federal Standards for Cosmetics’”        can inspect it
                                                                                or “Non-Toxic.”                                                                     ‡/HWVPDOOFKLOGUHQGUDZDIDFH
into the road from between parked       of accidentals falls on Halloween                                                Home owners                              on the pumpkins or paint them
cars                                      ‡(QVXUHFRVWXPHVFDQEHVHHQLQ     Parents                                    ‡.HHSWKHSDWKWR\RXUGRRUFOHDU
                                                                                  ‡$FFRPSDQ\VPDOOHUFKLOGUHQRQ                                                  ‡&RQVLGHUXVLQJDIODVKOLJKWRU
  ‡:DWFKIRUFKLOGUHQZDONLQJLQ      WKHGDUNDGGUHÀHFWLYHWDSHLIQHFHV-                                           of tripping hazards, i.e. garden hos-    glow stick inside of the pumpkin in-
the median, on the roadway and on       VDU\$UHÀHFWLYHWULFNRUWUHDWEDJ  their trick-or-treating adventure        es, bicycles, decorations, toys, exten-  stead of a candle. If you use a candle,
the curbs                                                                         ‡2QO\DOORZWKHPWRDSSURDFK         sion cords, etc.                         HQVXUHLWLVQRWQHDUDQ\ÀRZLQJIDE-
                                        helps children to be seen.                                                                                                ric (curtains, etc.). Set the pumpkin
  ‡(QWHUDQGH[LWGULYHZD\VDQGDO-      ‡(QVXUHDFFHVVRULHVDUHVRIWDQG    houses with their outside light on.        ‡ 5HVWUDLQ SHWV VR WKH\ GR QRW  on a sturdy table and do not leave it
ley ways carefully                                                              No outside light, no trick-or-treating.  jump at or bite trick-or-treaters        unattended.
ing, especially at twilight                                                     child all the way to the door and        keep them away from the walking          loween. For more safety informa-
                                        LOO¿WWLQJPDVNVSXWWKHFKLOGLQGDQ-  back to you                              path of the children                     tion, contact Occupational Safety at
Costumes                                                                                                                                                          661-277-4640.
                                                                                car or home for a treat                  are passing out candy, if you are not,
cessories, i.e. wigs, hats, etc.) made  ing or that a vehicle may be coming

                                        when they cross the road

                                        to masks. Ensure your child is not

                                        allergic to the make-up; test a small
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