Page 9 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 9

October 30, 2015                                                                                                                                                                               Desert Wings                                                                                                                            9

‘Develop your mental toughness’ is Wingman Day theme

  Edwards AFB Wingman Day offers a               marriage and family counselor.                                                                                                                                        Air Force illustration by Senior Airman John Linzmeier
pause in the day-to-day mission to reinforce       Live streaming of the Dominquez’s pre-
the Wingman concept and focus on unit well-                                                             Wingman Day is scheduled for Nov. 2 on Edwards Air Force Base.
ness. Wingman Day events Nov. 2 will in-         sentation will be available at various units on
clude activities that try to develop resilience  base.
while focusing on the Comprehensive Airman
Fitness’ Four Pillars of Resilience: Physical,     Dominguez is a certified licensed mar-
Mental, Social and Spiritual.                    riage and family counselor. He has both his
                                                 bachelors and masters in Psychology from
  The central message of this Wingman Day        Chapman University. He has worked as a
is “Develop Your Mental Toughness.”              staff therapist at a federal prison and for 18
                                                 years and worked for the Los Angeles County
  From 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Ryan Finnegan,          Department of Children and Family Services.
co-owner and lead personal defense readi-
ness coach at CFT Self Defense, will hold a        Domiguez is a co-author of the book “A
one hour self-defense awareness seminar at       Culture of Fear, an Inside look at the Los
the base theater designed to increase men-       Angeles Department of Children and Family
tal toughness by learning and understanding      Services.”
fear management techniques. Finnegan will
cover the basics of self-defense, which can in-    He has extensive experience developing
crease someone’s understanding of the human      curriculums and conducting trainings on is-
body’s natural defense system; ultimately,       sues of domestic violence, sexual assault,
increasing your awareness both internal and      stress management, and vicarious trauma. He
external.                                        is currently an adjunct Professor at Brandman
                                                 University and is a staff therapist for Mental
  From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unit Mental Resil-      Health of America.
ience presentations will be observed.
                                                   Call Nancy Koch-Castillo at 661-277-6711
  Guest speaker at the base theater from 1-3     for any questions about this upcoming Wing-
p.m. will be Julian J. Dominguez, a licensed     man Day.

   EVERYONE                                                                                                                                                                                                       Church of
  WELCOME!                                                              Immaculate Heart of                                                                           VICTORY                                       Christ
                                                                        Mary Catholic Church
 Sunday Services:                                                                                                                                                    Baptist Church                                      Eph 4:4-6
BNtQN                                                      Mass - Sundays | 5:00 pm        WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 am
                                                                                                         SPANISH SERVICE 12:30 pm                                        10173 South Loop                         Sunday Morning Bible Study
   5IVSTEBZQN                                                        ʕǮȴ³ɁƋˁʊǜăǜƖƊõɁʊŘȧɁȭƞ                                                                           California City                                9:45 am
                                                                                                        Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM
 HEIRS WITH CHRIST                                                        ɤƋɁʁȭƬʁɁnj<ǔŘȧɁȭƞū³ɁƋˁʊǜɦ  Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM          Ron Smith, Pastor                            Sunday Morning Service
 2240 Belshaw Street                                                                                     !DULT
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