Page 4 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 4

Desert Wings                                                                                                                             October 30, 2015


AF leaders testify on F-35 progress                                                                                              BOMBER, from 1
WKH$LU)RUFH),QWHJUDWLRQ2I¿FHWHVWL¿HGRQWKH¿IWK        main chute of the ejection seat opens, reducing the pilot’s    of mature systems and existing technology while still provid-
                                                                  neck loads.”                                                   ing desired capability.
generation aircraft’s development before a House Armed
                                                                    Comparing the F-35 with the F-16 Fighting Falcon’s ma-         With that said, agile acquisition processes have been built
Services subcommittee Oct. 21 on Capitol Hill.                    neuverability was another concern; however, both generals      into the LRS-B development and production efforts to ensure
                                                                  ZHUHFRQ¿GHQWLQWKH)SURJUDPDQGLWVFDSDELOLWLHV        the Air Force delivers system capabilities for the best value.
  Fielding a number of questions from Tactical Air and                                                                           The program also effectively incentivizes industry to achieve
                                                                    “The F-35s technology is designed to engage, shoot and       cost, schedule and performance goals.
Land Forces Subcommittee representatives, Lt. Gen. Chris-         kill its enemy from long distances, not necessarily in visual
0DM*HQ-HIIUH\+DUULJLDQWKH),QWHJUDWLRQ2I¿FH          “There have been numerous occasions where a four-ship of       lowing integration of new technology and timely response
                                                                  F-35s has engaged a four-ship of F-16s in simulated combat     to future threats across the full range of military operations.
director, Headquarters Air Force, assured them the program        scenarios, and the F-35s had a clear operational advantage     This open architecture also provides the opportunity to retain
                                                                  because of the sensors, weapons and stealth technology.        competition across the life cycle of the program.
is making progress.                                               The F-35 has been optimized for the current trends of war-
                                                                  fare, where the enemy is engaged and defeated from long          “The program acquisition strategy has carefully integrated
  “The F-35 program today is executing well across the            distances, but it will still be able to maneuver aggressively  lessons learned from previous programs and considered all
                                                                  when required to defeat and kill threats.”                     elements of life cycle costs in its design for affordability,”
entire spectrum of acquisition, to include development and                                                                       LaPlante added. “We are primed to deliver this capability in
                                                                  time and on cost, and Bogdan and Harrigian agree it’s a
tainment enterprise,” Bogdan said. “The program is at a           capability needed for the joint force to be successful.          Basing decisions and future program milestones for the
                                                                                                                                 aircraft will take place over the next several years.
pivot point today, where we are moving from slow and                “As with any big, complex program new discoveries,
                                                                  challenges and obstacles will occur; however, we believe       BRIEFS, from 3
steady progress to what I call a rapidly growing and ac-          the combined government/industry team has the ability
                                                                  to overcome current issues and future discoveries in or-       'HF7KHWRSWKUHHZLQQHUVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGWKHPRUQLQJ
celerating program.”                                              der to successfully deliver the full F-35 capability to the    of the tree lighting ceremony — there must be a representa-
  2YHUDOOWKHSURJUDPKDVÀRZQPRUHWKDQKRXUV          ZDU¿JKWHU´%RJGDQVDLG³7KH-RLQW3URJUDP2I¿FHZLOO        tive from each of the top three at the ceremony at 5:30 p.m.
                                                                  continue executing with integrity, discipline, transparency    to accept their prize.
WRLQFOXGHWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOMHWVDQGWKH86VHUYLFHVSHFL¿F   and accountability, holding ourselves accountable for the
                                                                  outcomes on this program.                                        For more information, call the Oasis Community Center
variations.                                                                                                                      at 661-275-2687.
                                                                    “We recognize the responsibility the program has been
  The F-35 is a complex program made more challenging             JLYHQWRSURYLGHWKHEDFNERQHRIWKH86DQGDOOLHG¿JKWHU   Town hall meeting
                                                                  capability with the F-35 for generations to come, and that
by the fact that it’s still in development, even as we are        your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters            The next town hall meeting will be 5-7 p.m., Nov. 4 at
À\LQJLWLQWKH¿HOG5HFHQWWHVWVRQWKHVDIHHVFDSHV\VWHP     may someday take this aircraft into harm’s way to defend       the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Everyone in the
                                                                  our freedom and way of life. It is a responsibility we never   Edwards community is welcome to attend. Some topics will
revealed a problem that would result in lighter-weight pilots     forget.” AFNS                                                  LQFOXGHXSFRPLQJHYHQWVFKDQJHVLQKRXUVDWWKH¿WQHVV
                                                                                                                                 center, Corvias Housing information and base schools up-
possibly suffering major neck injury upon ejection.                                                                              dates. There will also be briefings by the 412th Security
  “The program is working with our industry partners on

pilots that same level of protection and safety as all other

F-35 pilots,” Bogdan said in his written testimony. “These

three improvements are: one, a reduced weight helmet that

pilot ‘weight switch’ on the ejection seat that reduces the

opening shock of the parachute by slightly delaying the

parachute’s opening for lightweight pilots; and three, a head

support that will be sewn into the parachute risers that will

reduce the rearward head movement of the pilot when the

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