Page 3 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 3

October 30, 2015                                                     News                                                                                  Desert Wings                                                                                        3

       Briefs                                   AFMC commander visits Arnold AFB

Lunch and learn about pro-                        Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski,
motions                                           commander of Air Force
                                                  Materiel Command, toured
  Do you know what it takes to get pro-           Arnold Air Force Base,
moted? The Edwards Top 3 will hold a              Tennessee, Oct. 15, 2015,
Lunch and Learn event 11 a.m., Nov.               with members of the AFMC
20 in Room D, Bldg. 2461. Every Air-              Community Liaison Program.
man wants to get promoted, but did you            Hosted by Col. Rod Todaro,
know you should be preparing for your             commander or the Arnold
next stripe now? With the new promotion           Engineering Development
system in place all SNCO ranks will meet          Complex, Pawlikowski and
promotion boards going forward. We are            CLP members received
here to help and set you up for success.          EULH¿QJV WRXUHG IDFLOLWLHV DQG
Chief Master Sgt. Kennon Arnold will              exchanged ideas. The 24
be sharing tips and information to help           attending members of the CLP
develop Airmen on their path to future            group represent communities
success. Our target audiences for this ses-       surrounding AFMC installations
sion are technical and master sergeants,          across the United States and
but all ranks are invited. If you would           serve as a civilian interface
like to attend, contact Master Sgt. Cesar         between the Air Force and their
Ramos at or Mas-            respective civilian communities.
ter Sgt. Joshua Mullen at joshua.mullen@          The group is pictured at the to reserve your seat. Seating is        J-6 Large Rocket Motor Test
limited as the class only seats 35 people.        Facility High Bay.

+RRN8S%RZOLQJ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Jackie Cowan

  Do you want to learn how to bowl but          Set your clocks back Nov. 1
don’t know where to start? Hook Up 2
Bowling was designed just for you! Hook            This Sunday, Nov. 1, Daylight
Up 2 Bowling provides a mix of group              Saving Time will end for 2015.
instruction and on-the-lane lessons in
a relaxed learning environment. You’ll              When local time is about to
learn etiquette, terminology, proper be-            reach 2 a.m., Nov. 1, clocks
havior and, of course, the fundamentals
of bowling. Graduates receive a bowling                will be turned backward
ball, bag and towel. Class begins 5:30                    one hour to 1 a.m.
p.m., Nov. 3 at the High Desert Lanes
Bowling Center located at 205 Fitzger-               Sunrise and sunset will be
ald Blvd., Bldg. 5214. The cost is $119              about one hour earlier and
for adults, $99 for kids 17 and under. For         there will be more light in the
more information, call 661-275-BOWL.
                                                       morning. Don’t forget to
Holiday Card Lane                                     “Fall Back” this Sunday!

  ’Tis the season to start working on your
holiday cards! All squadron, sections,
private organizations or individuals are
encouraged to make a giant holiday card
to display their holiday wishes to the base
community. Participants must register at
the Oasis Community Center no later
than Nov. 25. Cards may be placed be-
ginning Dec. 1 through Dec. 3. All cards
will be judged and winners announced
at the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony

                        See BRIEFS, Page 4

The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re-                                                                          Fax: (661) 277-2732.

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