Page 3 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 3
February 19, 2016 1HZV Desert Wings 3
Briefs ALS, from 1
GAO denies bomber protest Air Force photo by Kevin North
Range Strike Bomber contract award fol-
lowing a comprehensive review of the have to meet physical training standards, but Senior Airman Tervoris Parker, 412th Staff Agencies, Chapel Services
source selection process. The Air Force we still had to participate in PT as best as we Maintenance Squadron Senior Airman Kenanaiahluke Garcia, 31st
team followed a deliberate, disciplined Senior Airman Erika Fabian, 412th MXS Test and Evaluation Squadron
and impartial process to determine the According to Magas, civilian students fall Senior Airman Cameron Canupp, 412th Senior Airman Joseph Levack, 31st TES
EHVWYDOXHIRUWKHZDU¿JKWHUDQGWKHWD[- into the same reporting category as sister ser- MXS Senior Airman Ricardo Torres, 31st TES
payer. vice attendees. All ALS students follow one Senior Airman Cedrick Powell, 412th Air- Senior Airman Michael Schwebel, 452nd
standard for all areas of the curriculum with craft Maintenance Squadron
“We look forward to proceeding with no exceptions. Senior Airman Raquel Caramanno, 412th Maintenance Sqadron
WKHGHYHORSPHQWDQG¿HOGLQJRIWKLVFULW- Medical Support Squadron Senior Airman Ana Romero, 452nd Airlift
ical weapon system. This platform will Holder never served in the military and Senior Airman Thomas Seago, 412th Se-
offer the joint community the required applied for the school to gain more experi- curity Forces Squadron Control Flight
capability needed to meet our national ence working with military members and to Senior Airman Helen Daniel, 412th SFS Senior Airman Gwendolyn Clarke, 452nd
security objectives and the evolving become a better leader. Allen saw it as an op- Senior Airman Jeremy Blocker, 412th SFS
threat environment,” said Secretary of portunity to improve himself professionally. Senior Airman Elvis Novoa, 412th SFS Operations Support Squadron
the Air Force Deborah Lee James. “It is Senior Airman Tiana Morales, 412th SFS Senior Airman Derek Pendergrass, 452nd
important to ensure affordability in this “It turned out that not only did I improve Senior Airman Tyler Salesberry, 812th
program and the ability to leverage exist- as an employee, but also as a person, by go- Civil Engineering Squadron Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
ing technology as we proceed forward.” ing through ALS,” said Allen. Senior Airman Jacob Johnson, 412th Wing Matt Holder, 412th Communications
The service plans to procure 100 LRS- “I developed skills that I can use imme- 0DWW+ROGHUWK&RPPXQLFDWLRQV Squadron
B aircraft. The aircraft preserves the diately, such as understanding others’ tem- Squadron, Christopher Allen, 912th Aircraft Mainte-
president’s options for missions across peraments to work more effectively with my
the full range of military operations from colleagues and customers, as well as those nance Squadron
permissive to anti-access/area denial en- that will be useful should I move into a su-
vironments. It will serve as the air com- pervisory position later in my career.” &KULVWRSKHU$OOHQWK$LUFUDIW
ponent of the nuclear triad, providing Maintenance Squadron
DYLVLEOHDQGÀH[LEOHQXFOHDUGHWHUUHQW Both graduates agreed that they became
capability. better leaders in the course with both military
and civilian co-workers.
“Our nation needs this capability,”
said Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Allen recommends that other civilians con-
Mark A. Welsh III. “The current bomber sidering taking the course, study some of the
ÀHHWLVDJLQJ7KHWHFKQRORJ\DGYDQWDJH military regulations in advance, “especially
the U.S. has enjoyed is narrowing. This AFMAN 36-2203 — Drill and Ceremonies.”
new bomber will provide unmatched
combat power and agility to respond and ALS is a five-week United States Air
adapt faster to our potential adversaries.” Force program designed to develop Airmen
into effective front-line supervisors. It is the
listed Air Force members encounter. ALS
graduation focuses on developing leadership abilities,
the profession of arms and building effective
The Community College of the Air communication.
Force April 2016 cutoff date for gradua-
tion is Feb. 26, 2016. To be considered Congratulations to all of the graduates!
for graduation in the April class, CCAF
must receive all documentation (i.e. tran-
scripts, CLEP scores, etc.) for degree
candidate submissions on or before this
date. Students must also be enrolled in
the degree program NLT Feb. 26. Nomi-
nations for students in which all docu-
ments are received by the Feb. 26 cutoff
See BRIEFS, Page 5
The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re- (GLWRULDO6WDII Fax: (661) 277-2732.
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