Page 8 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 8
8 Desert Wings February 19, 2016
Military Saves Week 2016 is a Goal. Make a Plan. Save Auto- money to save. It’s most likely in
fast approaching! matically.” your paycheck (somewhere) —
Every year, military installa- Step 1: Set a goal the problem is that so many pri- ings Plan and have a portion of to this option? Visit SaveYourRe-
tions and organizations around RULWLHVDUH¿JKWLQJRYHUWKHVDPH your paycheck transferred into fund to learn how saving at least
the world join forces to motivate, Why is a goal important? If you dollars. Housing, transportation, your retirement account before $50 of your tax refund could win
support, and encourage service don’t know what you’re saving food — all are essential needs that you get paid. Many other employ- you $25,000 in 2016!
members and military families for, you haven’t established what MUST be met. er retirement plans offer a simi-
to save money, reduce debt, and you won’t spend it on. By saving lar option — simply decide how Military Saves Week 2016 is
EXLOGZHDOWKWKURXJKDZHHNRI¿- for a car down payment, you’ve However, when something is a much you want to contribute each Feb. 22-27; one week out of the
nancial focus and education. established that you won’t spend priority, you plan for it. Plan to month to meet your savings goal. year to focus on paying yourself
that saved money on a new TV save for your goal, whatever it is, ¿UVWE\VDYLQJ
“I’m a big fan of the Military instead. When you take the Mili- just like you plan for your rent, 6HWXSDOORWPHQWVYLDP\3D\
Saves Campaign,” said Lt. Col. tary Saves Pledge, you’re asked for your car, and for your grocer- Designate an amount go to an ac- Your installation or an organiza-
Michael McPherson, 412th Comp- to identify a savings goal. The top ies. To do that, create a budget or count that is separate from a regu- tion near you may be participating
troller Squadron commander. two goals selected by our savers spending plan for your monthly lar checking account — preferably in the week offering educational
“When people talk about personal are: expenses. Assign each and every a savings account! If you are paid workshops, events, and resources
¿QDQFHWKHUHLVDOZD\VDJRRGGHDO dollar of your paycheck to a cat- through a different system, your to help you meet the challenge of
of focus on investing and getting a 6DYLQJIRUDUDLQ\GD\ZLWKDQ egory — including savings. By in- employer may still allow you to saving. Take advantage of these
good rate of return. A 10 percent Emergency Fund cluding savings in your monthly divide your paycheck into differ- RSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGEXLOG\RXU¿QDQ-
return on investment is considered spending plan, you’re committing ent accounts. cial knowledge and ability. Only
a good rate, but what people don’t 6DYLQJIRU5HWLUHPHQW to paying one very important bill you can accomplish each step of
think about is that we can do a — to yourself. 6HWXSUHJXODUWUDQVIHUVXVLQJ the challenge: it all begins with the
lot better if you simply apply the If you have another goal in \RXU¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQ¶VELOOSD\ Military Saves Pledge and making
logic from Benjamin Franklin, ‘A mind, that’s OK — in fact, it’s “It does mean practicing good system. Automatically transfer the commitment to save.
penny saved is a penny earned.’” GREAT! The important thing ¿QDQFLDOKDELWVDQGWRWKDWHQG money from a checking account
is that you have a goal, and that I encourage everyone to make to a separate savings account each Military Saves, managed by the
Since 2007, more than 200,000 you commit to it. That’s what the themselves knowledgeable about payday. nonprofit Consumer Federation
savers have accepted the challenge Military Saves Pledge is about — SHUVRQDO¿QDQFH´VDLG0F3KHU- of America, seeks to motivate,
of Military Saves Week. What is deciding what’s important to you, son. encourage, and support service-
that challenge? and taking action. One small step members and military families
can lead to another, then another, He recommends reading a good to save money, reduce debt, and
The Military Saves Pledge. The until your goal is met. ERRNRQJRRG¿QDQFLDOSUDFWLFHV build wealth. Learn more at www.
pledge is a commitment to exer- One of his personal favorites is,
FLVHJRRG¿QDQFLDOKDELWVLPSURYH “If we can cut costs by doing “The Millionaire Next Door” by
¿QDQFLDOUHDGLQHVVDQGHQFRXUDJH without a few amenities or look- Thomas Stanley.
other Americans to do the same. ing for sales and coupons to pur-
chase the things we already buy, Step 3: Save automati-
“I will help myself by saving we can do a lot better than 10%,”
money, reducing debt, and build- said McPherson. cally
ing wealth over time. I will help
The theme for Military Saves 7D[WLPHLVDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\
my family and my country by to save for those who receive a re-
encouraging other Americans to Step 2: Make a plan Week 2016 is “Make Savings Au- fund. Use Form 8888, Allocation
Build Wealth, Not Debt.” tomatic.” Automating your sav- of Refund, to direct deposit your
To take action, you need to save ings will allow you to save regu- refund in up to three different ac-
Military Saves encourages all money. How do you go about do- larly without having to think about counts — make sure one is a sav-
service members, their families ing that? it. Here are four ways you can set ings account! Another incentive
and civilian employees to take the it and forget it:
Military Saves Pledge, and to “Set 7KLVPD\EHWKHPRVWGLI¿FXOW
part of the challenge — finding &RQWULEXWHWRWKH7KULIW6DY-
What you need to know about Zika virus
by Staff Sgt. Chankrisna J. Chim Persons who have been bitten by a mos- water (i.e. empty tires, puddles, cans) and Contact Public Health at 661-277-2244 or
412th Aerospace Medicine Squadron TXLWRFDUU\LQJDQ\GLVHDVHRUVSHFL¿FDOO\ HOLPLQDWHWKRVHDUHDVE\¿OOLQJLWXSZLWK 661-277-2270 if you notice increased mos-
D=LNDLQIHFWHGPRVTXLWRPD\GHYHORSÀX dirt and/or empty the water quito activity, plan on traveling to another
Mosquitoes may not be a huge topic dis- like symptoms within a few days to a week, country where diseases are prevalent, or
cussed when stationed at Edwards Air Force such as fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis 5) Ensure screens on your doors and win- would like up-to-date information on dis-
Base, however, that may not be the case this (red eyes), muscle ache and/or headaches. dows do not contain holes where mosquitoes eases.
year. can get through
Everyone is susceptible to the Zika virus $LU)RUFHSKRWRJUDSKE\$LUPDQVW&ODVV'HYLQ60LFKDHOV
Though the Mojave Desert gets as hot as and other mosquito-transmitting diseases,
100 plus degrees during the summer time, especially high risk populations (i.e. elder-
there is still a good chance that mosquitoes ly, children, pregnant women, and immuno-
Why is this important to know? Presently,
Why is this a public health concern? You there is no vaccine or medication available to
may have heard on the news that El Nino prevent or treat Zika infections but presented
has hit the United States and is expected to symptoms are treatable. It is important that
bring in more heavy downpours. Heavy rain if you develop signs and symptoms to sched-
equals a lot of standing water, which can ule an appointment with your primary care
contribute to a bigger population of mos- manager to be evaluated and treated. At this
quitoes. time, there have been no reported deaths
related to the Zika virus. This is why it’s
Why should we be concerned about mos- important that you follow the recommended
quitoes? Mosquitoes can transmit diseases guidelines to prevent contracting Zika virus
from animals and humans. These diseases or any other insect-carrying diseases:
can range from Chikungunya, Dengue Fe-
ver, Encephalitis, West Nile Virus and the 1) Mosquitoes are active during the hours
emerging Zika Virus. of DUSK and DAWN
What is Zika virus and why is it the hot 2) Wear long pants and long sleeved shirts
of Zika virus cases originating from North,
South and Central Americas. This virus, like 3) Use mosquito repellent with 20-25 per-
other arboviruses (insect-carrying viruses), cent DEET
is transmitted from the bite of an infected
mosquito (primarily Aedes aegypti for Zika). 4) Check for areas where there is standing