Page 10 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 10

10  Desert Wings                     &RPPXQLW\1HZV                                                                                                                                                                                  February 19, 2016


  As spring rapidly approaches in Southern California,           reliable.                                                                                                               ¿UHDUPWRDFHUWL¿HGJXQVPLWK
more and more people will enjoy outdoor shooting ranges
and hunting.                                                     4. Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.                                                                         'RQRWDOWHURUPRGLI\\RXU¿UHDUPDQGKDYHLWVHUYLFHG
                                                                   Tunnel vision can lead to the death or injury of a bystander                                                          regularly.
  Recreational shooting can be enjoyed by all ages, but it is
not without hazards. Like most recreational sports, there are    that is beyond an intentional target. Situational awareness                                                               7RHQVXUHD¿UHDUPIXQFWLRQVDVGHVLJQHGRQO\DWUDLQHG
safety concerns that must be addressed in order to have a fun    is paramount.                                                                                                           JXQVPLWKVKRXOGPDNHPRGL¿FDWLRQV6HUYLFHVKRXOGEHFRQ-
event while minimizing the risk of injury.                                                                                                                                               ducted in accordance with the owner’s manual, at an interval
                                                                 5. Use proper ammunition.                                                                                               set by the manufacturer.
both experienced and new gun owners some of the basic                                                                                                                                    10. Learn mechanics and handling characteristics of your
KD]DUGVUHODWHGWR¿UHDUPVDQGWKHUXOHVRI¿UHDUPVDIHW\VR    using the right ammunition. Do not mix different calibers                                                               ¿UHDUP
that you can enjoy a safe day at the range.                      of ammunition together in the same container. The use of
                                                                 WKHZURQJDPPXQLWLRQFDQFDXVHWKH¿UHDUPWRH[SORGHLQ                                                                  $UHVSRQVLEOHJXQRZQHUPXVWNQRZKRZWKHLU¿UHDUP
  7KHOHDGLQJFDXVHRI¿UHDUPVUHODWHGLQMXULHVDUHXQLQWHQ-     the hands of the user.                                                                                                  functions and how to operate the safeties. A responsible gun
tional shootings.                                                                                                                                                                        owner should also instruct shooters that are unfamiliar with
                                                                 ,I\RXUJXQIDLOVWR¿UHZKHQWULJJHULVSXOOHGKDQGOH                                                             \RXU¿UHDUPEHIRUHXVLQJLW
  A recent study by the National Shooting Sports Foundation      with care.
found that 600 Americans die from unintentional shootings                                                                                                                                  Hundreds of Americans die each year from unintentional
HDFK\HDU$VLGHIURPGHDWKVRWKHULQMXULHVUHODWHGWR¿UH-       Follow rule 1 and wait 30 seconds. After that, gently clear                                                           VKRRWLQJV$UHVSRQVLEOH¿UHDUPRZQHUKDVDGXW\WRIROORZ
arms are commonly caused by the use of improper ammuni-          WKHZHDSRQRIWKHPLV¿UHGURXQG$WDQHVWDEOLVKHGUDQJH                                                              DQGHQIRUFHWKH5XOHVRI)LUHDUP6DIHW\WRSUHYHQWD¿UH-
tion or not wearing proper personal protective equipment.        SODFHWKHXQ¿UHGURXQGLQDPLV¿UHFRQWDLQHU$WDQDSSURYHG                                                           arms related mishap. Of course, when you are not shooting,
                                                                 BLM shooting area, remove the round from the area. Clear                                                                the best way to keep your family safe is through the use of
  Firearms are inherently dangerous and the best ways to         DQGLQVSHFWWKHZHDSRQIRUGDPDJH7DNHWKH¿UHDUPWRD                                                                safe storage techniques. You should store your unloaded guns
prevent injuries or deaths are to follow the 10 Rules of Fire-   FHUWL¿HGJXQVPLWKLIWKLVSUREOHPSHUVLVWV                                                                             and ammunition separately.
arm Safety, derived from The Ten Commandments of Fire-
arm Safety by the Remington Arms Company:                        7. Always wear eye, ear protection when shooting.                                                                         You should also use a trigger lock or cable lock to pre-
                                                                   Eye protection rated for firearms use will protect the                                                                YHQWWKHJXQIURP¿ULQJ)LQDOO\VWRUH\RXUJXQLQDORFNHG
$OZD\VNHHS\RXU¿UHDUPSRLQWHGLQVDIHGLUHFWLRQ                                                                                                                                    container such as an approved gun safe; dormitory and High
  This is the most important safety rule and still applies even  wearer from eye injuries caused by unburned powder and                                                                  Desert Inn residents are required to store firearms in the
                                                                 expended brass casings as well as protecting the eyes in the                                                            412th Security Forces Squadron armory.
LI\RX³NQRZ´\RXU¿UHDUPLVFOHDUDQGVDIH                     event of an unlikely explosion of the weapon. Hearing pro-
                                                                 tection prevents hearing loss associated with the proximity                                                               The change in weather will bring out more recreational
2. Firearms should be unloaded when not actually in use.         RIDGLVFKDUJLQJ¿UHDUP+HDULQJORVVEHJLQVDWGHFLEHOV                                                            VKRRWHUVDQGWKHWK7::HDSRQV6DIHW\2I¿FHKRSHV
  5HPRYHDOODPPXQLWLRQIURPWKH¿UHDUP6WRUH¿UHDUPV          DQGWKHDYHUDJHVRXQGOHYHOHPLWWHGE\D¿UHDUPLVGHFL-                                                            that it has provided you with the tools to have a safe and fun
                                                                 bels. Hearing loss is permanent.                                                                                        day at the range.
in a secure location away from ammunition at home to pre-
YHQWDFFLGHQWDOORDGLQJDQG¿ULQJRIWKHZHDSRQE\DJXHVW      8. Be sure barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting.                                                               ,IWKHUHDQ\TXHVWLRQVRUFRQFHUQVUHJDUGLQJ¿UHDUPVDIHW\
or children.                                                       $Q\REMHFWLQVLGHWKHEDUUHOFDQFDXVHWKH¿UHDUPWRH[-                                                              FRQWDFWWKH:HDSRQV6DIHW\RI¿FHDWRUHPDLO
  The lives of you and your loved ones should not be placed

in the hands of a safety. Firearm safeties are not 100 percent

    Desert High Scorpions                                                                                                                                                                Mary’s Place Menu (Bldg. 1600)

ZUHVWOHUVWRFRPSHWHDW&,)                                                                                                                                                                        Feb. 22-26

                                                                                                                                                                       All Specials $7.89--Drink not included

                                                                                                                                                                       Lunch Specials                                    Dinner Specials
                                                                                                                                                                       10:30 a.m-1 p.m.                                  5-8 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                       Cabbage roll                            Monday    Chicken cordon bleu
                                                                                                                                                                       White rice and vegetables               Tuesday   Mashed potatoes and gravy
                                                                                                                                                                       Chicken parmesan
                                                                                                                                                                       Egg noodles and vegetables                        Taco salad

                                                                                                                                                                       Orange chicken               Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                       Fried rice and egg roll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Orange chicken
                                                                                                                                                                       Spaghetti and meatballs                          Fried rice and egg roll
                                                                                                                                                                       Side salad
                                                                                                                                                  Courtesy photograph  Garlic bread                            Thursday

Desert High Scorpions varsity wrestling team members (left to right) LeAaron Santos,                                                                                   Baked cod or fried cat fish                       Salisbury steak
&KDUOHV'REELQDQG&KDUOHV0DUWLQH]ZLOOFRPSHWHDWWKH&,)FKDPSLRQVKLSV)HE                                                                                    Macaroni and cheese                               Mashed potatoes and gravy
in Corona, Calif.                                                                                                                                                      Hushpuppies or vegetables                         Vegetables

   Three wrestlers on the Desert High Scorpions varsity wrestling team will compete                                                                                    Menu subject to change                  Friday
in the California Interscholastic Federation championships Feb. 19 in Corona, Calif.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Baked cod or fried catfish
   The students are competing after winning in their weight classes at the Freelance                                                                                                                                     Macaroni and cheese
League Finals hosted by Calvary Chapel Christian School in Downey, Feb. 12.                                                                                                                                              Hushpuppies or vegetables

in his weight class. Freshman Charles Martinez was unopposed at 120 pounds and
2015 Freelance League Champion and defeated his opponent with a pin at 1:15 into the
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