Page 11 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
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February 19, 2016                Announcements                                                                                                                Desert Wings                                                                                                                                         11

Force Support Squadron                                           Assistance Program workshop is required for all separating       bers, spouses, family members, friends and staff members
                                                                 and retiring military members; spouses are welcome and en-       address issues such as relationships, deployment, parenting,
  5 N. Seller’s Ave., Bldg. 3000                                 couraged to attend.                                              stress, grief and many other issues. Consultations are free and
                                                                                                                                  anonymous—no records are kept. To make an appointment,
Second Annual Run with History Half Marathon/10K/5K                Military Saves Week: Feb. 22-27. Take advantage of the         call 661-742-4733.
  May 14, runs begin at 7 a.m. Early Registration: Half — $50,   several classes available to help you successfully reach your
                                                                 ¿QDQFLDOJRDOVOLNH)XQGDPHQWDOVRI6DYLQJV	,QYHVWLQJ          6%3&DVXDOW\$VVLVWDQFH2I¿FHThe SBP and Casualty
10K — $35, 5K — $25; Registration after April 1: Half — $60,     a Home Buying Workshop, Bundles for Babies, Couponing            $VVLVWDQFH2I¿FHDUHQRZFRPELQHG(YHU\UHWLULQJPHPEHU
10K — $45, 5K — $35                                              Savings & Commissary Tour, FICO Credit Score & Report            married or single must make a valid election prior to retiring.
                                                                 Workshops, a Couples & Finances Workshop, and a Car Buy-         Retired military survivor assistance is also available. Help is
runs will take place on the historic Edwards AFB Lake Bed        counselor will be on hand for one-on-one appointments. Let       SSA and OPM. For more information, contact John Phillips
and Flight-line. Base gate will open for participants at 5 am.   us help you prepare for your future. For more information and    at 661-277-3757.
Register at!                                      registration call the A&FRC at 661-277-0723.
                                                                                                                                    Sponsorship Training: All sponsors need to complete the
)LUVW$QQXDO([RWLF&DU6KRZ                                       New Key Spouse Program Orientation: Feb. 23, 8:30 a.m.-        on-line training at http// and then call
  May 14, 8 a.m.-noon. Come explore a variety of exotic cars     2:30 p.m. Program orientation for all newly appointed key        Maricel Rusit at 661-277-0723 for more information and
                                                                 spouses. Gain valuable information and learn about resources     resources.
near the Edwards AFB Flightline! Entrance is free.               to make your unit Key Spouse program successful.
                                                                                                                                  Arts and Crafts Center/Auto Hobby
Aero Club                                                          Volunteer Registration: All volunteers with Edwards’AFB
                                                                 RI¿FLDORUJDQL]DWLRQVXQLWVQHHGWRUHJLVWHUZLWKWKH$	)5&       200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-275-AUTO
  320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-275-AERO            Volunteer Coordinator, Al Laxamana at 661-277-2972. Orga-
                                                                 nizations or agencies that need volunteers and folks looking       Instructors Needed: Attention all artists and crafters! If
  Flight Training: Private, Instrument, Commercial, ATP,         for volunteer opportunities may also contact Airmen & Fam-       you’re creative, we need you! The Arts & Crafts Center is
CFI, CFII and ATP. Aircraft rentals range from $131-$145 per     ily Readiness to be included on a distribution list.             seeking out instructors of all types. Come and share your
hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. Multi-Engine,                                                                       creative knowledge with a diverse group of students looking
Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII. Aircraft $300 per hour, in-        4 Lenses™ Assessment: 4 Lenses™ is founded on the real-        for painting, drawing, photography, scrapbooking and other
structor $45 per hour by appointment.                            ization that each individual has unique strengths and motiva-    craft/art related instruction. No prior instructor experience
                                                                 tions. The 4 Lenses™ assessment helps organizations build        necessary — if you are knowledgeable then we are looking
  Learn to Fly: The sky is the limit at the Edwards AFB Aero     a solid understanding of the innate talent and potential of its  for you! For more information, contact the Arts & Crafts Cen-
Club. Experience the thrill of piloting an aircraft. Your local  individuals. The 4-Lenses™ instrument was created from the       ter at 661-275-ARTS (2787).
$HUR&OXESURYLGHVPDQ\VWDJHVRIÀLJKWWUDLQLQJIURP\RXU     research of the Myers Briggs’ Personality Type Indicator, as
mercial and instructors’ ratings. The choice is yours. Whether   book, Please Understand Me. Call Maria at 661-277-7618 to        p.m. Call 661-275-ARTS for dates! FREE! Participants will
your aim is recreational or a career path, your Aero Club will   schedule a 4 Lenses™ assessment for your organization/team.      learn the safety basics of common woodworking equipment.
train you to the highest standard with safety always foremost.                                                                    Once you complete the class you can use the full range of
                                                                   Hearts Apart: This is a support group and social network       equipment in our Wood Hobby Shop for just $2 per hour.
Airman and Family Readiness                                      for families of deployed members and an opportunity to meet
                                                                 with leadership. Sign-up is required. For more information,        Basic Vehicle Maintenance Class: Saturdays, 10 a.m. Cost
  90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723                      call 661-277-0723.                                               is $15 per person. Participants will learn the basics of good

  Department of Labor Five-day Transition Assistance               Military Family Life Consultant: A Military Family Life                                        See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 12
Program: Feb. 22-26, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The Transition          Consultant is on board at the A&FRC to help military mem-

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