Page 13 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 13
February 19, 2016 Desert Wings 13
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12 ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see the E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/ base and challenge each other on the course!
current ITT price list for events, parks, hotels Contractors: $475 Equipment Orientation Classes: Tuesday,
Strike Zone Snack Bar Daily Specials and discount information, visit edwardsfss.
All combo meals include fries and a com/wordpress/travel/itt Guests: $575 10-11 a.m., Wednesday, 4-5 p.m., and Thurs-
Family Memberships are available along day, 7-8 p.m. Not sure how to use equipment
16-ounce fountain drink Library with monthly payment plans. New rates ef- or what it does for you? Stop by the front
Monday: Tempura chicken, $8.45 fective April 1, 2015, and run through March desk and sign up for this one-hour class. We
Tuesday: Barbecue pulled pork sandwich 5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275- 31, 2016. For more information, call MLGC are here to help you get the most out of your
BOOK at 661-275-7888. ¿WQHVVURXWLQH
RUVOLGHUVVHUYHGZLWKFKRLFHRI¿UHVFROH Want to learn how to play golf? Come
slaw or potato salad, $8.45 Children’s Story Time: Wednesday and learn from our club pro, Chelsea Orozco. Teen Center
Friday, 10 a.m. Toddlers and pre-school chil- Orozco can teach you everything you will
Wednesday: Half-pound Angus beef west- dren are invited to join us for a wonderful need to know at your convenience. From 100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-275-
ern bacon cheeseburger, $9.45 story time and create very unique craft proj- longer drives to make more putts and every- 8336
ects. Volunteer readers are welcome! thing in between, our pros can bring you from
Thursday: Spicy buffalo wrap or sand- Free online services Amateur to Pro! YES (Youth Employment Skills): The
wich, $7.95 Wi-Fi is now available at the Muroc Lake YES Program began in the 2015-2016 school
Zinio: digital magazines. Overdrive: elec- Golf Course Clubhouse. year and helps teens earn money for college.
Friday: Half-pound Angus beef build-a- tronic books, downloadable audiobooks and The program is open to teens whose parent
burger, $9.45 videos. Transparent Language Online: Lan- Golf Pro Shop: The pro shop offers spe- is active duty Air Force. Teens can earn up
guage learning center. Ebsco Host Database: cial orders and yellow tag sales—stop by and to a $1,000 towards their post high school
Information, Tickets and Travel magazine and journal articles, reference books check it out. education. Contact the Teen Center for more
and audiobooks. Gale Group Database: Na- information.
205 W. Popson Ave., Bldg. 2500, 661-275- tional Geographic digital edition, reference Oasis Community Center
TRIP books, magazine and journal articles Youth of the Year: Do you have what it
205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR takes to represent Edwards AFB at the lo-
Big Bear& Snow Summit Lift Tickets: At the Library: Available for a loan period cal, district, state, regional and potentially
Off-peak of two weeks; each item may be renewed at Forrest Gump Ping Pong Champion- national level? If so you can earn thousands
Adult (23-64 years), $46.50 the library only, if there are no pending re- ship: Feb. 19, Stripes Lounge. Themed attire and thousands of scholarship dollars. Check
Youth (13-22 years), $38.75 quests by other customers: encouraged. Sign up today, entrance is free. with your local teen center.
Child (5-12 years), $24.25 Registration starts at 4:30 p.m., play begins
Senior (65-79 years), $38.75 %RRNV at 5 p.m. Forest Gump movie will begin at 5 Youth Programs
Regular %RRNVDQG&'6HWV p.m. Win and your name will be etched on the
Adult (23-64 years), $58.50 033OD\DZD\ Championship’s perpetual plaque. 24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437
Youth (13-22 years), $44.25 5RVHWWD6WRQH&'5206SDQLVKDQG
Child (5-12 years), $26.50 Russian only) Wrestle Mania Pinball Tournament: Feb. Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project
Senior (65-79 years), $44.25 26, registration begins at 4:45 p.m., tourna- Learn: Monday-Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m. Pow-
Some blackout dates and restrictions may Muroc Lake Golf Course ment starts at 5 p.m. The winner gets two er Hour: making minutes count helps club
apply. Cinemark movie tickets. members (ages 6-12) become successful in
K1 Speed Indoor Kart Racing: Save tons 111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT school by providing homework help/ tutoring
and have fun with this deal only at your ITT Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset. Game Night Club: Tuesday and Thursday, while encouraging members to become self-
RI¿FH Had a long day at work? Take a little time 4-7:30 p.m. in Classrooms A and B. directed learners. See Ms. Jasmine for details
Armed Forces Vacation Club: /HWXV¿QG to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight and to sign up.
your dream vacation rental! Forget cramped Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a Hula Lessons: Thursdays, 5 p.m. Cost is
quarters — get access to Space-A resort few holes in before dark and save money! $20 per month for beginners, $25 per month Torch Club: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in
rentals worldwide for one low weekly price! E1-E4: $4.50 green fees for intermediate and advanced. the Torch Room. Torch clubs are charter,
Spread out in family-sized (two to eight peo- E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees small-group leadership and service clubs for
ple) resort accommodations, many of which Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees Musical Instrument Classes: Tuesday, boys and girls ages 9-12. It is a powerful ve-
include on-site recreational facilities, living Carts: $5 per seat Wednesday and Thursday. Instruments of- hicle through which club staff can help meet
rooms, kitchens, washer and dryer, kids’ ac- Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m. fered include piano, guitar, drums and kinder- the special character development needs of
tivities, and on-site pools. Start your search and walkers can play until dark. ¿GGOHEHJLQQLQJ9LROLQ&RVWLVSHUOHV- younger adolescents at a critical stage in their
today — you’ve earned it! Annual Membership: Are you a frequent son, per week. development. See Mr. Andrew for details.
Cruise Crazy: Have you ever wanted to visitor to the Muroc Lake Golf Course? Save
take a cruise but didn’t think you could afford money by purchasing an annual membership! Zumba: Youth & Teen Sponsorship: Are you
it? Now is the time to get your ‘sea legs’ in Our memberships run from April 1 through Mondays: 11 a.m.-noon, and 5-6 p.m. new to the area? Will you be PCSing soon?
gear and get over to the Information, Tickets March 31 but you can join now with these Tuesdays: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend to show
7UDYHORI¿FHEHFDXVHWKHSULFHVDUHORZHU pro-rated rates: Wednesdays: 11 a.m.-noon your kids around base? The Air Force Youth
WKDQµVHDOHYHO¶²FDOOWKH,77RI¿FHWRGD\ E1-E4: $350 $3 per class/discount for advanced pur- Centers offer sponsorship for kids and teens
so we can show you that you don’t have to chase of 10 classes so that every move is a seamless transition.
‘sink to swim’! For more information about Youth or Teen
Rosburg Fitness Center Sponsorship contact the Main Youth Center,
210 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-GYM1
Youth Sports
Tae Kwon Do: Children’s monthly pass is
$65, adult monthly pass is $70, and a daily 24 Lathrop Dr., Bldg. 5210, 661-277-8961
pass is $9. For more information, call Kumye
Moore at 661-860-9292. Youth Baseball/Softball: Register by
March 4, season starts in April. Open to ages
Personal Trainers: Cost is $40 for a 5-15. Cost is $75 for members, $85 for non-
60-minute session, $25 for a 30-minute ses- members. $10 discount for siblings. A $10
sion. To schedule your appointment, call Jen- late fee will be assessed after March 4. All
nifer Pottinger at 757-810-5734. baseball teams will be co-ed, softball will be
girls only.
Massage Therapy: Cost is $40 for 30
minutes, $70 for 60 minutes, and $100 for For more information, call Emil Graves at
90 minutes. Avaialble 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon- 661-277-8961.
day, Tuesday and Thursday (advance appoint-
ments only). Couples massage also offered. Umpires needed for Youth Baseball and
For more information, call Brittni Albrechti Softball: For more information, call Emil
at 661-317-2139. Graves at 661-277-8961.
Lunchtime Disc Golf at Mojave Greens:
Wednesdays, noon, Mojave Greens Disc Golf
Course, Hole 1. Join us for a round of lunch-
time golf. Players of all skill levels are invit-
ed to attend. Experienced golfers will be on
hand to offer advice and work with beginners.
Equipment will be available for loan. Take
this opportunity to meet other disc golfers on