Page 12 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 12
12 Desert Wings February 19, 2016
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 11 tilapia with rice pilaf, vegetable of the day, beyond their normal arrangements due to
$8.50 mission related requirements. Children must Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included.
vehicle maintenance. Learn how to operate already be enrolled in the Child Development Bowl as many games as you want.
a lift, change your oil, and check and bal- Club Muroc Will Cater to You: Contact Center, the School Age Program or the Fam-
ance your tires. For more information, call the our Club Catering team for details! We would ily Child Care Program to qualify. To enroll Saturday
Auto Hobby Shop at 661-275-AUTO (2887). love to host your party, baby shower, wedding in this free Extended Duty Program or for Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling: 6-10 p.m.
or any other events in life you would like to more information, please contact the Family Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included.
We’re looking for an Automotive Detailer: celebrate. Contact Lydia at 661-277-2582 for &KLOG&DUHRI¿FHDW Bowl as many games as you want.
The Edwards AFB Car Wash is looking for an information on a custom event.
automotive detailer. +LJK'HVHUW/DQHV%RZOLQJ See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 13
Trivia in Pancho’s: Thursdays, bar opens Center
Child Development Center at 4 p.m., trivia begins at 6 p.m. Open to NASA’S American
all ranks. Enjoy Pancho’s bar for fun, food, 205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, 661-275-BOWL (DWHU\
275 1035 W. Fitzgerald Blvd. Bldg. 6457, drinks and to play trivia. Beer specials will be
661-275-TOTS served. First place team will receive a $100 Birthday Bowl: Bowl up to three games %OGJ
FSS Gift Card, second place receives a $50 free between the hours of 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on )HE
Give Parents a Break: Feb. 20, noon- FSS Gift Card. your birthday during the month of February.
5 p.m. Once a referral is obtained, call the Open to all ages. (ID required) Monday
Child Development Center to register. Members Birthday Month Coupon: Pick Beef broccoli
up Tuesday–Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Happy Birthday Party Packages: Three packages Over white rice
Club Muroc Birthday from Club Muroc! Stop by the club available:
during your birthday month and we’ll give Tuesday
275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB you a coupon for a free meal! Offer valid for The Bowl costs $6 per child and includes Beef taco salad
Edwards club members only. two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow
Hours of Operation bowling when available as well as a small Wednesday
Fogleman’s: Full menu served all day. Family Child Care drink for each child. &RXQWU\IULHGVWHDN
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Adults only after 4 pm. Kitchen closes 30 min Conference Center, Farrell Drive, Bldg. The Kid costs $11 per child and includes
prior to closing or 9 pm if bar is open late. 5620, 661-275-4322 two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow Vegetables
bowling when available, bowling themed
Sunday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Unlicensed Child Care: Air Force Instruc- decorations, a choice of Kids Meal includ- Thursday
Monday-Tuesday: 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m. tion 34-276, Family Child Care Programs, re- ing drink. &KLFNHQWHUL\DNL
Wednesday-Thursday: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. quires individuals in family housing (military Fried rice and egg roll
Friday: 10:30 a.m.-11 p.m. or privatized) who provide child care in their The Pizza costs $11 per child and includes
Saturday: 10 a.m.-0 p.m. home for more than 10 child care hours per two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow Friday
Friday: 4-10:30 p.m. week to be a licensed provider. A child care bowling when available, bowling themed Closed
Dining Room hour is the number of hours times the num- decorations, two slices of pizza, and a drink
Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., and ber of children in care. If unlicensed does not for each child. $OO%OXH3ODWH6SHFLDOV²
5-8 p.m. stop, the base commander can revoke your $7.89
Panchos privilege of living in base housing. If you Extras:
Adults Only need FCC services ensure the provider is li- Party Room when available. $10 per hour 'ULQNQRWLQFOXGHG
Friday: 4-11 p.m. censed. Each approved home, will have a (non-refundable payment required upon res-
license hanging in the home and a sign on the ervation) 0HGLXPEHYHUDJHODUJH
Daily Specials outside of the home. Bowling Themed Decorations. $1 per
Includes Sides, Drink and ice cream. Sub- child. (table cloth, cups, plates, napkins).
Family Child Care is seeking dedicated Birthday Bowling Pin. $15 each. Robin Hood and Anthony’s
stitute salad bar in place of the side $2 people who love working with children: If Birthday Party Goody Bags. $3 each. Pizza Food Facilities Available
Monday: Chef special, $8.50 you live on-base and want to care for children
Tuesday: Meatloaf with mashed potato in your home or you are a military dependent Daily Bowling Specials Menu subject to change
and live off-base, you may be eligible to be a Tuesday
and gravy, vegetable of the day, or chicken OLFHQVHGRUDI¿OLDWHGSURYLGHU0DNHDSRVL- Family Game Night Glow-in-the-Dark
parmesan with linguine, vegetable of the day, tive difference in the lives of children! Most
$8.50 materials and training are provided free of Bowling: 3-7 p.m. $1.50 per game per person,
charge! $1 shoe rental. Glow in the dark bowling, fun
Wednesday: Chicken fried steak with scal- for the whole family.
loped potatoes, vegetable of the day, or pork Extended Duty Care: The Air Force of-
chop with scalloped potatoes and vegetable fers the Extended Duty Care Program to as- Friday
of the day, $8.50 sist parents who need additional child care Fun Package: 2 p.m.-close. Two-hour lane
rental, shoes included, one large pizza and
Thursday: Beef brisket with macaroni and one large pitcher of soda for $35.95 per lane.
cheese, vegetable of the day, or chicken tem- Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling: 6-10 p.m.
pura with fries, vegetable of the day, $8.50
Friday: New York strip steak with baked
potato, vegetable of the day, $9, or breaded
Chapel Corner
7KLVLVDZHHNO\VHJPHQWLQDesert Wings to highlight a spiritual focus for
Through our character±DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÀHFWRQLPSRUWDQWLVVXHV Monday-Thursday Sunday
of Ramadan. Persons who do not profess any sort of religious belief will SP±0XVOLP3UD\HU DP±3URWHVWDQW&RQWHPSRUDU\
as a religious ritual or not, the importance is not what we “give up,” it is SP±&DWKROLF0DVV&KDSHO
Small Groups
PXQLW\ studies. Please contact us for infor-
mation on times and locations.
emotionally, intellectually and spiritually, that we may be a source of hope
in adversity, and a foundation of stability in a changing world. Amen.