Page 14 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 14
Homes for Rent Services A&P EXAM PREP
in White Fence Farms DISH TV 190 channels High- '$$ $
$#)%"&"# ƕ$,5&5$)70(&+$1,&6:5,77(17(67,1*ƕ+$1'6212 335(3ƕ
3BR, 2full BA, 2 Car Garage speed Internet Only $49.95/mo! $"
##$)#$" ƕ$9,21,&6)&&*52/5$'$5ƕ,163(&7,21$87+25,=$7,21ƕ
large lot, completely remodeled Ask about a 3 year price guar- !$$&$#
2463 15th St. West Rosamond, CA 93560 Office Hours Ɣ9$9RF5HKDE&KDSWHUSDLGLQIXOOƔ
water & trash pd 1 year! Call Today 9HWVUHLPEXUVHGWHVWLQJIHHVIURPWKH9$
$1,500/mo + $800 dep. 1-800-279-1290 661-256-8356 Mon – Fri 9 AM - 6PM
Sat. 9 AM - 5 PM Sun. 10 AM - 3 PM Ɣ02%,/(75$,1,1*83215(48(67:,7+678'(176Ɣ
661-810-3795. Switch to DIRECTV and get a
$100 Gift Card. FREE Whole- Gate Access Hours AvTech Exams6LQFH
Apartments for Rent Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.
CLEAN & SPACIOUS! Starting at $19.99/mo. New Sat. 6 AM - 8 PM Sun. 6 AM - 8 PM &DOORU(PDLOLQIR#DYWHFKH[DPVFRP
Customers Only. Don't settle for
Newly Upgraded ŏ ŏ
North Edwards cable. Call Now
1-Bedroom, 1-Bath $450 1- 800-609-0109 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the
2-bedroom, 1-bath $550 personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on
Freshly Painted/New Flooring! Education said property pursuant to Sections 21700-21716 of the Business
Blinds, Stove, Small Yard & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC. Section 535 of the
Available Now! Join Us! Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code.
Toastmasters Club
Richard The undersigned will sell at a public sale by competitive bidding
213-200-9184 384 Meetings on the 3rd day of March, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. by American
Auctioneers, 1 (800) 838-7653, Bond #FS8632014, on the
Rooms for Rent 1HHGWR5H¿QH<RXU6SHDNLQJ premises where said property has been stored and which are
3UHVHQWDWLRQ located at:
West Lancaster, off Ave I
$525/mo + security dep. incl /HDGHUVKLS6NLOOV" Storage 4 Less, 2463 15th St. West, Rosamond, CA 93560
utilities, kitchen & laundry priv- County of Kern, State of California, City of Rosamond, the
HOHJHVZL¿ VPDOOVWRUDJH Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30 following:
male or female, non-smoker. Test Wing Bldg 1400
Conference Room 414 Sharae Bruce: hydroponics equipment, lamps, boxes, tubs;
Patricia 661-860-3573 Constance Booth: Engine Parts, Motor parts, Car Parts,
Meeting Agendas Include: Snowboard, boxes; Robert Neice: Punching Bags, Bicycles,
Employment Opportunities Prepared Speeches furniture, boxes, misc household; Mathew Dupont: Furniture,
Speech Evaluations boxes, mattress, wood, misc; Sabrina Barnett: Furniture,
LOOKING for the For Information, bedding, speakers, tubs, boxes, clothing, TV, misc; Mark Baker:
BEST APPLICANT? Call Laquita Dukes Water Cooler, tools, ladder, furniture, wood burning stove; Tyler
412 CS/SCPT Vittorio: Sofa, Bed Frame, Washing Machine, misc; Stephanie
***************************** 661-275-9201 Ason: Mattress, TV, Misc; Amber Thrasher: Furniture, Tool
Place An Ad for Bench, Tool boxes, clothing, boxes, baskets, rocking horse;
Garage & Yard Sales Robert Neice: Clothes, boxes, TV, tools, Children’s toys; Joe E
Your Business Today! Looper: Furniture, boxes, tools, mattress, clothing,
Aerotech News MOVING?...PCSing?
877-247-9288 GARAGE/YARD SALE?
Cars & Trucks ******************************
Attract More Customers
Call 877-247-9288
Call Today, Place an Ad!
Aerotech News Aerotech News & Review
Real Estate
95 Honda Prelude,
5spd manual trans, 283,000mi All real estate advertised
in this publication is subject
smog in hand, $2000obo to the Federal Fair Housing
94 Dodge Ram2500 Act of 1968, which makes it
215,000mi, smog in hand, illegal to advertise any
4 new sensors, new rear cali- preference, limitation or
discrimination based on race
pers & brake shoes. color, religion, or national
$1950obo 661-400-8141 origin, or an intention to
make such preference
Announcements limitation or discrimination.
Real estate advertisements
DONT FORGET! that are in violation of the law
shall not be accepted for
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE publication. All dwellings
TUESDAY @ NOON advertised in this publication
EACH WEEK! are available on an equal
Misc. for Sale opportunity
swing set with seesaw, includes 13 MILLION ACRES…AND COUNTING
original instructions $50
you pick up. For more information,
go to
3.1 cu ft 2 door mini fridge $55
661-492-4582. A CFC participant -
provided as a public service
Because of you, there is St. Jude.
St. Jude patient Andrew with his father Herman, United States Navy Commander 800-822-6344
A CFC Participant.
Provided as a public service.