Page 5 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-19-16
P. 5

February 19, 2016                                                                                                                                                      Desert Wings  5

BRIEFS, from 3                                quitoes has not been documented in the con-     service members at no cost. Service mem-      lege subjects to include English, algebra,
                                              tinental United States, however, infections     bers can connect to a live tutor online at    statistics, physics, accounting, history,
date may be initiated through March 6 to      have been reported in travelers returning to    any time for one-on-one anonymous help        physiology and world languages, in addi-
meet the April 2016 class cutoff.             the United States, and possibly, transmis-      with homework, test preparation, proof-       tion to writing projects such as research
                                              sion may occur through blood transfusion        reading and more. The program was es-         papers and creative essays. To create an
  For more information, call the Education    or sexual contact.                              tablished to help ensure service members      account, visit and
Center staff at 661-277-2713.                                                                 have the necessary tools and resources to     click the blue button that corresponds to
                                                There is no vaccine or medication avail-      reach their higher learning and professional  your branch of service. If you have ques-
Travel advisory issued                        able to prevent zika infection. The most        development goals. The program provides       tions about the for U.S. Military
                                              effective way to prevent infection is to        tutoring services with background-checked     program, please email militarysupport@tu-
  The Centers for Disease Control and         practice strict mosquito bite preventative      experts able to help with more than 40 col-
Prevention have assigned travel advisories    measures.
for the zika virus, alert level 2 — practice
enhanced precautions, for the Caribbean,        All Air Force personnel and their families
which includes U.S. Northern Command-         are urged to use caution against mosquito
related islands Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin   bites, such as anti-insect spray, netting and/
,VODQGV3DFL¿F,VODQGV&HQWUDO$PHULFD    or staying in climate-controlled facilities
South America and Mexico.                     while in these countries. Those stationed in
                                              the effected countries can seek counseling
  The advisory was issued due to ongoing      from their commands regarding the virus.
zika virus transmission and the concern that  For more information about zika and travel
the virus may cause serious birth defects in  concerns, visit
the unborn children of women infected dur-    page/zika-travel-information.
ing pregnancy. The zika virus is transmitted
by the Aedes species mosquitoes prevalent     Online tutoring program
throughout the Americas that most often bite
during the day.                                 The Department of Defense Voluntary
                                              Education Program is offering a pilot pro-
  Outbreaks of the zika virus have been re-   gram that provides online tutoring to DOD
ported previously in the Americas, Africa,
bean. Local transmission of zika from mos-

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