Page 8 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 8
Eyel ess Vision Hal l oween Night s
Beneat h Your Feet Wat ch Your Back
By Bret t Brunner By: Nicol e Taf ro and
By Jake Robert son By Michel l e Vanaria Isabel l a DiPasqual e- Mel i
Grade Eight
Grade 8 Grade 8
This t ale is known Grade Seven
We who lie beneat h t he leaves, Looking out t he window To make ot hers sound bland I grabbed a pillow case, and pushed
in t he moonlight , Fear shot t hrough my body, More preferred t han t he ones The squeaky door open.
in t he shade All I could t hink was About a head on a skull The crisp fall air hit my face, as walked down t he
pat hway.
of t he t rees. This cannot be t he end. The supernat ural creat ures
While I was walking
They who pass us Face t o face wit h deat h it self Like ghost s, zombies, and demons
Down t he st reet , I could hear
cannot hear us, Trying not t o move, Or t he horrific st ories
The leaves
nor t he secret s we keep. Any wrong act ion could lead t o worse, That left people in screams Crunching beneat h my feet ,
We?re afraid; I had t o find a way out . However, t hey never ment ioned But , not hing else
t hey would envy our glee, Low punch t o it s st omach, This st range new creeper I st opped and slowly t urned my head.
in t he ecst at ic glowing moonlight . Ran as fast as I could. Has vision wit hout eyes But , t here was not hing in sight .
So come wit h us, At t he end of t he driveway, And t hey call it t he Wat cher Where was everyone I wondered?
and smile as we, I froze. It can feel t he presence I walked up t o my first house,st anding
Creep up from beneat h your feet Tranquilit y filled t he air, Of ot her living spirit Proudly because I was t he first t rick or t reat er.
?Ding Dong?
and bring you down, I was finally safe, It ?s eyes were cut out
A old looking women opened t he door.
a million miles deep. Unt il whit e fingers came All t hat are left , are bloody holes
She st ared at me blankly, and I was t oo
Be sure you wat ch, Grabbing my t hroat . Wearing a crisp black suit
Afraid t o t alk. In t he background,
where you st ep. The pulling, t he screaming Like t he Men in Black
I spot t ed a calendar, and my face st art ed
They been wait ing for quit e a while. It would not let me free, His cold pale skin
To t urn a pinkish red color.
Anger is rest less, This myst erious person Recalls a whit e wint er wonderland
I ran down t he st eps as I was t rying t o
and secret s don?t keep,In our home Who are you? Makes hairs st and on back of t he neck
Pret end not hing was wrong.
beneat h t he leaves.
Pain crawled up my spine Going t o bed and dream
I pushed t hrough t he wind while t rying
Agony forced my body t o t he ground Deat hly chills of it st ares To hold back my t ears. When
The t ort ure was not ending. Sure enough you will weep I got home, I t old my mom everyt hing.
Darkness closed in Shut t ing your eyes She explained t o me t hat it was no big deal,
The air t hick and dense, Is t he worst t hat can be done And said wit h a warm smile
One final shriek from my mout h Just be aware ? Don?t worry sweet ie, you got a head st art .?
The insane devil had won. That he is always wat ching you Happy Halloween Eve!
Pictures by Olivia Strumolo, Grade 8