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Photos of Adeline Yehs final microblading look.
Julia Lin, who is an acquaintance of Yeh, had a strong Although the vampire facial is targeted towards older
desire to get the microblading treatment after seeing Yeh’s women, Aceves who is 32 years of age, exclaimed that it’s
results. Lin had a similar experienced to Yeh, except that never too early to start your facial care. “I found the treat-
the dosage of numbing cream was lower. “I expected a lot ment mildly uncomfortable, especially during the injections
worse due to Adeline’s story, but I was met with adrena- of the plasma,” stated Aceves. She explained that it would
line.” She explained the experience similar to getting a be different for everyone who would experience the treat-
tattoo. ment, and warned others to make sure their tolerance of
blood sight.
Aside from microblading, vampire facials have become
a trend due to the advertisements from Kim Kardashian Whole body cryotherapy has also been on the rise with
through her instagram and reality television show Keeping its slimming benefits. The treatment is done in a cylindri-
Up With The Kardashians. The facial consist of a micro- cal sauna with only your head sticking out while standing
dermabrasion, where tiny crystals are sprayed on the surface straight up. The sauna is then filled with liquid nitrogen,
of your face to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Blood that was reaching temperatures of negative 250 degrees. Due to
taken from you is then smothered on your face. After the the massively low temperatures, the blood will flow to the
procedure one might take one or two days of recovery. center of your body. The treatment only last two to three
The results will tone out your skin, making for a healthier minutes. This results in your skin tightening and burning
and younger appearance. Although if you are seeking full around 500-800 calories in the duration of that time.
results, you may need to get multiple treatments overtime.
The pain within these trends have definitely crossed the
Diana Aceves who is a frequent customer of the popular limits for some, while others are just getting started.
Glow Med Spa, located in Los Angeles, got the vampire
facial done in early May of 2018.