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Beauty and Health
We are so lucky to live by the beach here in do.
southern California. Now you can have a day at
the beach and do yoga on the water. Yoga on the The heated room is perfect way to help warm
water is an experience you will never forget. It your muscles and it allows you to get an even
starts off teaching you how to balance yourself greater stretch than usual. If you practice
on a paddle board. Balance is an important part this regularly, it can help reduce symptoms of
of yoga and it is even more important when you chronic diseases, like arthritis. Yoga is not just for
are standing on a paddle board in the ocean. the young but for every age.
After finding a nice view, the paddle board has Valarde said, “Sure, there are moves that are
an anchor attached to the end that you drop into more advanced than others, but it is all about
the water. This prevents it from moving so much attitude. Keep trying to do them and eventually
and now, you are ready to do some yoga. The you will get to the results you want”.
class is taught by a certified yoga instructor who This is definitely the route to take if you want a
has had a lot of practice doing yoga on water. more intense workout when doing yoga. There
There were moves beginners and experts. are about 26 movements that they have you
Megan Wills is a newbie at yoga in the water, attempt at your own pace.
going on her fourth class. “What I loved about Some great yoga studios offer hot yoga as a class.
this experience is that it is for everybody, even You can find these classes all over SoCal; there
for people who are unbalanced and not flexible are some in Claremont, Covina, Chino Hills,
at all like me. I think that’s why people don’t try Hacienda Heights, and many more.
out yoga but its really more about strength than
flexibility”. Goat yoga has made its way into Southern
California and into the hearts of SoCal residents.
Strength really is needed to be able to perform If you are an animal lover, this is definitely a
some of the poses they do. But besides the trend you must try out. Kareem Mitha is the
strength building, it really is about relaxing. owner of Laughing Frog Yoga, a yoga studio
Wills shared, “I love doing yoga, but there is located in Los Angeles.
something different about doing it on water. You
are more aware of your surroundings; the way The studio has been open for seven years and
the water smells and the sound of seagulls above goat yoga was added about a year and half ago.
you. I look forward to do yoga on the water more “We are always looking to grow. I saw a few
than in a closed environment”. articles about a goat yoga studio in Portland and
I wanted to bring it to mine. I got a call from a
Beach lovers, this is a must. It is a different type goat wrangler, and she said she had trained goats
of serenity that you feel when you are out on the to do yoga. So we worked out an agreement and
water and practicing yoga moves. Classes like I posted a newsletter about the new class. Within
these are located near Marina del Rey, Ventura, one hour, all four classes got booked”.
Redondo Beach, and others.
Mitha advises everyone to try it at lease once.
If you are looking for an intense style of yoga, “Be prepared to laugh. Be prepared to feel like
hot yoga is definitely the trend for you. Originally a kid again. Goats are so adorable and they
called Birkam yoga, you are put in a hot room that will just open your heart”. Laughing Frog Yoga
has the temperature around 90 to 100 degrees. has about five classes each month that are just
Adriana Valarde, a hot yoga enthusiastic, says it dedicated goat yoga.
can get really hot in the room.
The environment compared to other yoga trends
“If you think you get hot when you are running is beyond different. While a yoga class is being
on a treadmill or whatever you do to exercise, taught, you are there to have a fun and enjoyable
it is nothing compared to hot yoga. I remember time.
my first time, I came out looking like I had just
taken a shower in my clothes”. There are other locations that also offer goat
yoga; you can find goat yoga classes in Long
It releases a lot more stress than regular yoga Beach, Pasadena, Thousand Oaks and many
because it helps flush out some of the toxins you others.
have in your body through all the sweating you