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P. 16
Beauty and Health
Annell De Lira
SoCal runners, it is time to get your training on. With only a few more months
until our marathons start, here is your guide on how to train.
Rebecca Cortez crossed the finish line on her 5K run.
It was at night and a glow in the dark theme marathon.
Photo by Paula Calderon.
Sweat is beating down your brow as you just pass the marker knew BlacklistLA trained their runners for LA Marathon,
for you 10th mile. Your breathing is short and ragged as and I was excited to take it on with them and their training
you are running. You feel the pavement underneath your plan. It made me feel confident we would all be training
running shoes becoming harder with every step. You keep together, and since there were a lot of other first-timers, it
pushing yourself until you have nothing left, but somehow took some of the pressure off”.
you keep going and make it to the finish line. You hear
the cheers of everyone congratulating you for finishing the Joining a training group is one of the ways to get ready
marathon. for a marathon. You don’t have to train with a group
and training by yourself is an option to take as well.
Southern California is filled with endless actives you can “I'm probably looking at a little more consistently to
do and one of those actives is running a marathon. No build a strong base, but with a lot of cross-training, HIIT
one tell you how to do all that stuff. Running a marathon workouts, lifting weights, swimming and biking to keep my
is no joke and takes great dedication. There are so many legs fresh for the big day, and training my body to move
kinds you can do, that range from distance to events. After faster” said Bradley.
choosing one, there is still the need train for it. Here is
a guide on how to train run a marathon in Southern One notion that runner Bradley gave was to be aware of
California. how much toll running a marathon can take and to not
let it consume your life. “At work, coworkers think it's cool
Seven marathon runner Jenny Bradley suggested using a I'm training and am going to run a marathon, but I still
program to train if this is your first marathon you run. “I need to be 100% on the job, even if my body is tired from