Page 13 - Magazine Final Project_Neat
P. 13

A paddleboard from YogaAqua in Monterey Bay.                             Photo by Annell De Lira

                   BREATHE IN THIS TREND

                                                                                        Annell De Lira

                             Since we do live in SoCal, we are lucky enough to live wehre there are
                             alwyas new trends. Now you can do yoga in the water, in a hot room, and
                             wiith a goat.

                      Imagine sitting down, pretzel style, on a paddle  There is water, hot, goat and so many other types
                      board in the  ocean,  with the breeze  going  of yoga popping up in SoCal.
                      through your hair. Now, can you imagine doing
                      yoga on this paddle board? If you are looking for   Yoga is a way that you can release your stress
                      the next big trend, you have found it.   and also burn some calories at the same time. It
                                                               does not matter what age you are, it is something
                      Yoga has now revamped  its look, with many  everyone can enjoy doing. There  are  a lot  of
                      different  styles  you  can  try.  Even  though  yoga  yoga classes you can attend here in SoCal and
                      can be  traced  back about  10,000  years ago,  it  now there  are  other  types of yoga you can
                      is coming back in style in southern California.  choose from.

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