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Travis Knight


       D3 Newsletter
                                                                 A focus on fur and type –
       What a wonderful showing D3 had in Reno!!!  Congratulations to
       the winners and special thanks to all who worked so hard to  We obviously have the Standard of Perfection to rely on, but
       make this convention so enjoyable.                        when it comes to selecting animals to “show, keep or cull” it
                                                                 takes HANDS ON experience to make those decisions.  How do
                                                                 you get hands on experience?  You need to “calibrate” your
       The D3 big winners in open:
               Jennifer Forst BOSV Chocolate                     hands.  What I mean by this is get your hands on good rabbits
               Josh Adams BOSV Lilac                             and remember how they feel.  You can pull out rabbits from your
               Tracy Mercer BOSV Lynx                            barn that have won variety or breed lately and handle them
               Allyse Sullivan BOV Sable                         before moving on to evaluate young animals in your barn.  If you
                                                                 are new and don’t have a few winners to rely on, ask the variety
               Holly Buderus BOSV Smoke Pearl
                                                                 or breed winners at local shows if you can handle their rabbits
                                                                 and have them explain to you how they select to win.  It is always
       The D3 big winners in youth:
               Alex Kindseth BOB with an Otter Senior Doe        helpful and fun to have experienced breeders come to your barn
               Breana Sullivan BOS with a Black Senior Buck      or meet up at a show and look through some of your rabbits.
               Emma Forst BOSV Blue                              Even experienced breeders get “barn blind “and should depend
               Lexie Ignaszewski BOV Castor                      on outside opinions because they know “this rabbit is the
               Addison Bates BOSV Chinchilla                     granddaughter of my national winner” for example – and maybe
               Macie Micek BOV Lilac                             she is nothing more than a cull rabbit to most.  Some like to post
               Brook and Brady Cronce BOB Lynx                   winner pictures in their barn with the idea of constantly keeping
               Breana Sullivan BOV Sable                         that “winning look” in their mind as they handle rabbits.
               Breana Sullivan BOV Smoke Pearl
               Macie Micek BOV Tort                              As for type versus fur, we have not developed fur lines and body
                                                                 lines as some do.  We definitely have lines that are better in one
                                                                 trait versus another, but in general we have been working on
       Sierra Knight was the recipient of the NMRRC scholarship.  Sierra
       is studying kinesiology at Grand View University in Des Moines,  multiple traits as we select animals.  I do believe that a breeder
       IA with a career goal of being an athletic trainer.  Sierra also plays  at any level should have a few defined traits they are working on
                                                                 at any point. Our first major trait that we selected against was
       goalie on the varsity soccer team.
                                                                 pin bones.  Lately, we have paid more attention to the high point
                                                                 being moved back away from the center of the body, more over
       The Midwest Mini Rex Club has hosted two very successful
       specialty shows recently.  At the NTOP Show in Lincoln, NE, there  the hips.  In our barn, that meant we were keeping some
       was a specialty the Friday night before the double show.  There  oversized animals.  Now we are working on finding animals in our
       were 100 open rabbits and 40 youth rabbits in the specialty.  At  barn with the proper profile that don’t mature at 6 pounds!
       the NCIRF Show in Fort Dodge, IA, there were 115 open rabbits
       and 49 youth rabbits in the specialty show.  With these strong  If you are buying new rabbits or selecting rabbits in your barn,
       showings, there is momentum to increase the numbers of    “calibrate” your hands.  You need to be able to feel your next
       specialty shows in D3 next year – watch for details!!!    winner!!  Interact with others in the breed and talk and share
                                                                 war stories.  It keeps this hobby fun, real and centered around
                                                                 the people.  Words on a page cannot replace the one on one
       Macie Micek had a great showing at the NTOP show in Lincoln.
       She won the Youth Specialty Show and youth double Best in  interactions and being able to feel your next winning rabbit.
       Show with her Lilac doe “Florida” that she raised.  This is the
       same doe that she won BOV with at Convention.             Please let me know if you have D3 news or issues you would like
                                                                 to share!!

      NMRRC Publication Quarter  1 January-February-March 2020
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