Page 11 - 1St Qtr 2020bw_Neat
P. 11




      Reno convention has come and gone and once again there shows can also help determine what preferred type and
      was a large entry of Mini Rex shown.  Congratulations to  fur is.  The latest discussion about type is having the high
      Doug King on his BOB and Group 1 win with a black         point centered over the hips vs having the basketball look.
      doe!!  Congratulations to Lycos/ Lycos/Harrah for their   Some say that pushing the high point too far back makes
      BOS win with an otter buck!  Even though I didn’t enter   the shoulders longer and the animal doesn’t seem as
      any rabbits, I enjoyed my time in Reno catching up with   balanced.  What are your thoughts? What is your view of
      everyone and sightseeing at Lake Tahoe with Paul &        ideal type and fur?
      Beth Bickel and Margaret Potter.
                                                                   I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season!
          The topic for this article is what is ideal body type     Amanda
      and fur with the emphasis on high point location.

          As breeders we follow the Mini Rex standard by how
      we interpret it. Every breeder has the same goal of
      making the “perfect” rabbit.   But for some it can be
      challenging to figure out the delicate balance of having
      ideal type and ideal fur together.  The best way to get an
      idea of what ideal type and ideal fur is, is by getting a
      hands on approach.  Evaluating an animal in person is
      easier than by photos when purchasing stock.  To be able
      to feel the rabbit will help determine if it is full to the
      table, has well filled shoulders, or dense fur with good
      texture.  By talking with other breeders and watching at

      NMRRC Publication Quarter  1 January-February-March 2020
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