Page 22 - Innovation-Spring-2016
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           THE FUTURE

            A crucial subset of Marian Regional Medical Center’s volunteer force is made up of more than 190 high school students and
            young adult volunteers, known as Volunteens. Marian’s Volunteen Program has helped shape the academic paths and professional
            futures of the Central Coast’s brightest students, providing them with a real life glimpse into the health care profession.

                                   RICKY GONZALEZ                                     JENNIFER POON
                                   Righetti High School                               California Polytechnic State
                                   Future Registered Nurse                            University, San Luis Obispo
                                                                                      Future Clinical Laboratory
                                   In 2013, Ricky Gonzalez’s mother                   Scientist
                                   underwent brain surgery and
                                   throughout the entire process,                     With her career sights set on
                                   Ricky stood by his mother’s side.                  becoming a clinical laboratory
                                   As he observed the meaningful                      scientist, Jennifer Poon is
                                   and lifesaving care his mother’s                   reaping the benefits of gaining
                                   nurses delivered, Ricky felt called                experience in a hospital
            to become a registered nurse. To better prepare himself for the   laboratory setting. While attending California Polytechnic
            future, Ricky volunteers at Marian’s Emergency Department   State University, San Luis Obispo, Jennifer serves as a
            and Extended Care Center where he truly enjoys assisting staff   volunteer within the medical center’s Pathology Department
            and connecting with patients. Following high school graduation,   where she has learned about laboratory operations and it is this
            Ricky plans to join a branch of the United States military forces   experience that has solidified her interest in pursuing a career
            where he will begin his registered nurse training.   as a clinical laboratory scientist.

                                   YVETTE RIVERA ROJAS                                ALYSSA SCANNELI
                                   University of California, Santa Cruz               Pioneer Valley High School
                                   Future Neurosurgeon                                Future Emergency Department
                                                                                      Registered Nurse
                                   Yvette Rivera Rojas is grateful
                                   for the opportunity to volunteer                   With a calling to help those
                                   at Marian because it has led                       in need, Alyssa Scanneli
                                   to finding her professional                        dedicates her Saturday evenings
                                   calling: neurosurgery. Yvette has                  to volunteering at Marian’s
                                   volunteered in all clinical care areas             Emergency Department.
                                   of the hospital and what has left the              Although she is only in high
            greatest impression on her has been Marian’s collaborative, team   school, Alyssa’s volunteer work at Marian has allowed her to
            approach to caring for patients. Following her medical training,   acquire real-world experience that has strengthened her desire
            Yvette plans to return to Marian and the Santa Maria community.   to pursue a career as a registered nurse.

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