Page 24 - Innovation-Spring-2016
P. 24

Mr. John H. Bushnell      Mr. and Mrs. John Costa  Dr. and Mrs. Robert       Duplicated Business Systems
            Mr. and Mrs. Elwin H. Byrd  Dr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Cote  A. Dichmann        Mrs. Mae Dutra
            Byrd Produce Co.          Ms. Allison Cova         Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dickey  East Donovan Lanes
            Byron Winery              Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cova  Mr. and Mrs. Joseph   Eco-Wine Furniture
            Mrs. Fe T. Cabanting      Mr. Matthew F. Cova        R. Diefenderfer         Drs. Alan and Andrea Edelman
            Dimas E. Cabrera          Cowboys Kickin’ Cancer   Mark R. Digby             Incie Edwards
            Cal Coast Machinery       Ms. Lorraine Cox         Ms. Gwendoline Dobry      Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eggert
            CalPortland Construction  Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crabtree  Doc Burnstein’s Ice Cream Lab  Elite Audio & Video
            CALSTAR                   Mrs. Marie A. Cravy      Mr. and Mrs. David Dodd   Dr. and Mrs. Michael Enrico
            Cambria Winery & Vineyards  Mr. John T. Crawford   Mr. and Mrs. Steven       Drs. Todd and Erine Erickson
            Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cameron  Crop Production Services  K. Dominguez         Mr. and Mrs. Luis J. Escobar
            Clayton Campbell          Mr. Joseph L. Crotty, Sr.  Mrs. Nancy A. Dort      Eureka Specialties
            Ms. Colleen Campbell      Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Curti  Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Doud  Sister Pius Fahlstrom, OSF
            Ms. Olive Campbell        Dr. and Mrs. James D. Cusack  Mr. James H. Draper, Jr.  Faith Farming, Llc
            Helen Canales             Alina Dalmendray, M.D.
            David A. Canvasser, M.D.  Mr. and Mrs. James Darling
            Supervisor Salud Carbajal  Mr. and Mrs. Stephen De Marco
            Cardenas Bros. Farming    Ms. Priscilla L. Del Mastro
            Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cardona  Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Dela Vega
            Mr. and Mrs. Lucas G. Carranza  Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
            Ms. Perfecta Casey         R. Delgadillo
            Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Castello  Pauline J. DeMartin
            Mr. and Mrs. David G. Castillo  Mr. Gary Deter
            Central Coast Children’s Center  Joyce L. Dezellem
            Central Coast Inpatient   Mrs. M. Theresa Diamond
             Consultants              Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Diani
            Central Coast Medical     Antonio Diaz
             Oncology Corp.
            Central Coast Tennis
            Central West Produce
            Clara Chambers
            Mrs. Patricia A. Chandler
            Change A Life Foundation
            Ms. Lorena C. Chavez
            Chef’s Table Catering
            Mr. and Mrs. Robert
             P. Christansen
            Mr. and Mrs. Armando M. Cinco
            Mr. and Mrs. AJ Cisney
            Mrs. Georgina Clark
            Mrs. Patricia Clever
            Coastal Ag
            CoastHills Credit Union
            Coca-Cola Bottling Company
            Mr. Burt Cochran Jr.
            Dr. and Mrs. Eric Colton
            Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Conway
            Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coote
            Mr. Mark Corella
            Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Corser, Jr.
            Mr. and Mrs. Tony W. Cossa  Glenn Burdette Certified Public Accountants recently made a large contribution in support of Marian Regional Medical
            Cossa and Sons Farming, Inc.  Center Pediatric Services. To honor Glenn Burdette Certified Public Accountants for their generous gift, a donor
                                      acknowledgment plaque bearing the company’s name now hangs outside the Pediatric Unit’s Playroom.

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