Page 24 - LRCC November 2024 FOCUS
P. 24

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2024

        NEW HIRES                                              risks associated                     and maintaining
                                                               with property                        relations with
                          Fraser Trebilcock                    transactions.                        current and
                          has hired attorney                   She will manage                      potential clients
                          John R. Fifarek                      and coordinate                       and assisting
                          to work primarily                    fieldwork, lead                      the team with
                          in the law firm’s                    subsurface                           elevating client
                          Lansing office.                      investigations,                      events that are
                          Fifarek is an                        oversee                              local, statewide,
                          attorney with over   Twohig          remediation        Garrett           and beyond.
                          four decades of                      efforts, and
                          experience in real   produce detailed technical reports.                  Aaron Pitcher
                          estate matters,    Additionally, her responsibilities                     joins Triterra
        advising property owners, developers,   include reviewing historical site                   as an industrial
        buyers, sellers, commercial landlords,   documents, analyzing subsurface                    hygienist in the
        and tenants in the development, sale,   conditions, and ensuring clients                    firm’s Lansing
        purchase, and leasing of property,   comply with due care obligations.                      location. Pitcher
        environmental, land use, and         Twohig holds a bachelor’s degree in                    brings over
        planning matters, and in court and   biology and environmental science                      20 years of
        administrative proceedings.          from the University of Michigan-Flint.                 experience in
                                                                                                    abatement and
        Environmental consulting firm        Michigan Premier Events has                            remediation of
        Triterra announced the return of     welcomed Marly Garrett to its         asbestos, lead, mold, heavy metals,
        Taylor Twohig to its team as a project   team as client relations and      and other hazardous materials. As
        scientist within the technical services   event assistant. A current Lansing   an industrial hygienist, he will focus
        team at the Lansing office. Twohig will   Community College student, Garrett   on on-site air monitoring, analyte
        help clients navigate and minimize   will assist the team with building    exposure sampling, technical report

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