Page 26 - LRCC November 2024 FOCUS
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that improve the quality of life for remains in Lansing, with additional
employees. Peckham, a nonprofit locations in Kalamazoo, Alma, and
community vocational rehabilitation Traverse City.
organization, was among five
organizations that received the Michigan Community Capital
prestigious award. received a $65 million New Markets
Tax Credit allocation in September,
COMPANY NEWS the nonprofit’s sixth consecutive
award from the U.S. Department of
Middle Village, a business accelerator Treasury. The NMTC program supports
program created and managed businesses and real estate projects in
by Downtown Lansing Inc. and low-income communities. Michigan On-Demand Leadership
funded by Lake Trust Credit Union, Community Capital leverages the tax Training for On-The-Go
announced it is seeking applications credits to finance projects that create
for its 2025 cohort through Nov. 30. quality and accessible manufacturing Leaders
Middle Village is a retail accelerator jobs, build affordable housing, and COACHES
program that empowers business expand access to social services Starting Susan Combs, MBA, PCC
owners by lowering barriers to throughout Michigan. Locally, this tool April 1 Ross Woodstock, Leadership
entrepreneurship. Business owners supported the Allen Neighborhood
receive programming and marketing Center and Neogen. Since 2005,
support in this year-long program. Michigan Community Capital has
Since 2021, the program has worked deployed over $350 million in tax
with 16 participants. All of those credits to 45 projects in Michigan’s
graduates are still in business, urban and rural communities.
and six have opened brick-and- Register Now
mortar storefronts in the Lansing Lansing’s Great Lakes Christian
region. Businesses interested in College celebrates 75 years this fall
learning more or applying for 2025 as a Christian institution of higher
can submit their application at learning. From its humble beginning with 12 students in a log cabin, the
college has grown to more than 220
students preparing themselves for a
life of Christian service as preachers,
missionaries. Friends of Great Lakes
Christian College were invited to a
75th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. SAME NAME.
12 on the college campus. SAME SERVICES.
Triterra expanded its Grand Rapids 114 West Allegan Street Lansing, Michigan 48933
office to a larger suite within its (Downtown Lansing)
current location at 625 Kenmoor
Avenue SE, now in Suite 109. The
move into a more spacious office
supports Triterra’s continued growth
in the West Michigan region. To
celebrate the expansion, Triterra
hosted a ribbon-cutting and open
house for clients, partners, and Custom Built Design &
community members. Grand Rapids Remodeling’s new “Design &
Chamber of Commerce led the Remodeling Show” has officially
ceremony, with food provided by launched. The first three episodes
Catered Creations. Triterra entered are live on the Custom Built YouTube
the Grand Rapids market in 2020 channel. Each episode dives into real
when Craig Mulica joined the firm as remodeling projects, offering expert
the West Michigan regional director. tips and behind-the-scenes insights
The company’s corporate office from the Custom Built team. l