Page 25 - LRCC November 2024 FOCUS
writing, and abatement-related offering practical solutions that restore highlights Howell’s leadership,
activities. He holds an associate hope and human dignity.” In this community contributions, and
degree in general business from inaugural year, the Grangers selected dedication to fostering diversity
Lansing Community College. not one but two recipients: The House in the workplace. Howell has
of Promise and Habitat for Humanity been promoted three times since
AWARDS Capital Region. Each will receive joining LAFCU in 2017 as human
$100,000 to further their missions. resources manager. Her most
Foster Swift recent promotion to executive vice
Collins & Smith, PFCU Credit Union has won the “2024 president and chief operating officer
PC environmental Financial Services Top Workplaces” has expanded her responsibilities
law attorney award, as determined through to include oversight of multiple
and litigator employee feedback captured by the critical departments. Under Howell’s
Charles “Chuck” Energage Workplace Survey. The leadership, LAFCU’s human
E. Barbieri is the survey assesses workplace culture, resources department achieved
recipient of the including leadership, professional milestones such as implementing
Ingham County development opportunities, benefits, new recruitment and employee
Bar Association’s and overall job satisfaction. The recent engagement standards, particularly
“Thomas E. survey identifies PFCU Credit Union during the COVID-19 crisis. Howell’s
Brennan Lifetime Achievement as an employer of choice. PFCU Credit leadership has extended beyond
Award.” The 2024 award recipients Union is a not‐for‐profit cooperative LAFCU to community involvement,
will be honored at the ICBA’s annual with 13 locations from Flint to with active roles on the boards of the
dinner on Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Caledonia, with 55,000 members and Boys and Girls Club of Lansing and
Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lansing. The more than $800 million in assets. the Lansing Regional Chamber of
award is given to lawyers who have Commerce.
made significant and longstanding Triterra
contributions to the advancement or received the Aqua Body Lab, led by CEO and
improvement of the justice system “Entrepreneurial founder Hollie Town, has been
and the betterment of the legal Icon Award” honored with the “Greater Lansing
profession in the State of Michigan, at the 2024 Business of the Year Award” just
while also having attained professional Greater Lansing three years after opening its doors.
excellence. Barbieri has been in legal Entrepreneurial The recognition highlights the
practice for nearly 44 years, in areas Awards. This growth of this women-owned
including environmental, general recognition business.
litigation and appellate, and First celebrates the
Amendment and media law matters. company’s
Since becoming a firm shareholder growth,
in 1986, Barbieri has mentored impact, and commitment to
associates at the firm and has always improving the quality of the natural
been involved with professional and environment and the communities
community affairs. His involvement it serves. The Entrepreneurial Icon
has included two stints on the ICBA’s Award is presented to businesses
Board of Directors and service as that achieve financial success while
the ICBA’s Board President, as the creating a lasting legacy through
President of the Michigan State innovation, commitment, and an
University Inn of Courts, and as the enduring influence on their field
Chair of the State Bar of Michigan’s and community. Peckham Inc.’s Veterans Services
Environmental Law Section. He is program received the Michigan
also a scoutmaster and a DePauw Robyn Howell, Veterans Affairs Agency “Employer
University’s Alumni Board member. executive vice Innovator Award” during the
president and fourth annual Veteran-Friendly
The Capital Region Community chief operating Employers Innovation Conference.
Foundation announced the creation officer for This award recognizes employers
of the new Al and Jan Granger LAFCU, has been or staff members who develop
“Beacon of Hope Grant,” a $100,000 recognized as a new processes, methods, or
grant to be awarded to one nonprofit Crain’s Notable technologies to improve the
each year. The Grangers created the Black Business hiring and retention of military
Beacon of Hope Grant for nonprofits Howell Leader. The veterans and their spouses. The
that “uplift those facing adversity by recognition award can also recognize initiatives