Page 25 - LRCC January 2022 Focus
P. 25                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        NEW HIRES                            brings 15 years of experience and
                                             market knowledge to this role; and
                          Certified Nurse    Greg Adkins, first vice president,
                          Practitioner       commercial lender, brings 21 years of
                          Stacey Hinton,     comprehensive lending experience to
                          FNP-C, has joined   this role.
                          the Sparrow
                          Medical Group                        Union Bank
                          Charlotte 123                        has announced
                          practice, adding                     the addition of     Dalimonte        Scales
                          to the long-                         Dana Bacon,
                          standing excellent                   vice president,                      and drafting
                          patient care                         treasury                             memos, briefs,
        provided by Kimberly Friar, M.D., Scot                 management                           and dispositive
        Randall, D.O., and Summer Clay PA-                     director. In her                     motions
        C. Hinton is a familiar face in Charlotte,             new role, Bacon, a                   on matters
        having served as the primary provider   Bacon          certified treasury                   concerning
        at the former Cherry Health – Eaton                    professional,                        general and
        Community Health Center for several   will focus on strategic initiatives to                commercial
        years, and is eager to continue caring   successfully drive new business with               litigation.
        for the community.                   product roadmap development,          Silverstein      Scales is based
                                             market research and data analysis                      in the Grand
                          Mason Public       to help support local businesses and   Rapids office. He is a graduate of the
                          Schools has        build the banks’ brand throughout the   University of Notre Dame Law School.
                          recently named     various markets it serves.            His experience includes appeals briefs,
                          Connor Thomas                                            wrongful death, contract breaches,
                          the new athletic                     The Greater         personal injury, probate estates,
                          director at Mason                    Lansing             employment matters, and religious
                          High School. Mr.                     Convention and      liberty & religious organizations.
                          Thomas most                          Visitors Bureau     Silverstein is based in the firm’s
                          recently served                      (CVB) is pleased    Lansing office. She received both
        Thomas            as the athletic                      to announce         her undergraduate and law degree
                          director for Caro                    its hiring of       from the University of Michigan. Her
        Community Schools. Mr. Thomas                          Amie Lucas          experience includes conducting legal
        received his Bachelor of Science in                    as manager of       research and drafting motions for
        Marketing from Oakland University is   Lucas           digital marketing   criminal and civil cases in both state
        currently finishing his Master of Arts                 and content.        and federal court.
        in Sports Administration from Wayne   She will be joining the marketing
        State University.                    communications team, bringing         AWARDS
                                             over 10 years of web design and
        Mercantile Bank of Michigan is       content creation experience. Lucas
        proud to announce the expansion of   received her Bachelor of Arts degree
        their commercial lending presence    from Michigan State University in
        in Grand Rapids/Lansing with the     telecommunications, information
        addition of several experienced      studies and media. She comes to the
        Commercial Lenders: Mike Bishop,     CVB from MSU where she was a web
        senior vice president, commercial    designer/developer, content manager
        lender, a 22-year veteran of the     and digital media marketer.
        commercial banking world, will
        function as a team leader of this    Foster Swift welcomes new associates
        experienced lending team and         Anthony M. Dalimonte, Jim W.
        will work to further develop client   Scales and Mariah M. Silverstein. All   McLaren Greater Lansing nurse
        relationships; Brian Campbell, first   three are members of Foster Swift’s   Alexis Falcon was honored with
        vice president, commercial lender,   litigation practice group. An alum of   the DAISY Award for Extraordinary
        brings 22 years of banking experience   Wayne State University Law School,   Nurses. The award is part of the DAISY
        with a concentration in commercial   Dalimonte practices from the firm’s   Foundation’s program to recognize
        real estate; Steve Bosscher, first   Southfield office. His experience     the exceptional care nurses provide
        vice president, commercial lender,   includes conducting legal research    daily. The nomination, submitted

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