Page 30 - LRCC January 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                     FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JANUARY 2022

        from March until June 2020,                                                students from kindergarten through
        completely uprooting their business                                        sixth-grade complete schoolwork at
        model! They re-opened to both                                              the facility.
        in-person and live online services in
        June 2020 and continued to focus on
        community partnerships. In April 2021,
        their in-school services had grown,
        and Jessica’s husband joined her full
        time in the centers to support that
        growth. In September 2021, they had
        the pleasure of adding two additional
        centers to their team: Ann Arbor and

        Sparrow has launched a new initiative
        to reach out and help hungry families,                                     LAFCU’s Listen & Learn Program
        especially pregnant women in need.                                         and Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm
        The program, Feeding Your Growing                                          presented a live, virtual event that
        Family – Addressing Food Insecurity                                        celebrated the magic of Christmas on
        among At-Risk Mothers, will aim      equity and inclusion administrator,   Dec. 7, 2021. The free, family-friendly
        at helping at-risk woman of child-   City of East Lansing; Joel Ferguson,   “Christmas Special,” included a
        bearing age who are either patients   developer and longtime Michigan      special story time with Santa, a peek
        of Sparrow’s High-Risk Ob/Gyn clinic   State University Trustee; and Ingham   inside the farm located in Clare to
        or delivering children at Sparrow    County Sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth.   learn fun facts about reindeer, and a
        Hospital. Through partnerships with                                        visit to Santa’s workshop to see how
        the Delta Dental Foundation, Capital   MSUFCU employees celebrated the     candy canes are made. Committed
        Area United Way, Greater Lansing     84th anniversary of its founding      to helping communities it serves to
        Food Bank, and Ingham County         by paying it forward with acts        thrive, LAFCU created the Listen &
        Health Department, the program       of kindness. Employees have           Learn Program in response to the
        aims to decrease food insecurity and   participated in this practice each   pandemic to provide a fun, new option
        increase nutrition for at-risk mothers   year since the Credit Union’s 75th   for kids up to age 12 to learn, listen,
        in Mid-Michigan. By providing free   anniversary in 2012. This year,       read, and interact. In addition to live
        access to resources, healthy food, and   employees of the Credit Union and its   events, readings of children’s books
        nutrition education, this program    foundation, the Desk Drawer Fund,     are available by phone, (517)622-6789,
        addresses at least four common       donated $8,400 to charities and       and YouTube,
        barriers to health transportation,   local heroes during the week of Nov.   Volunteer readers can sign up at
        financial stability, education, and   14-20, 2021. In addition, employees
        access to resources. Funding was     surprised 760 members at branches
        made possible thanks to the Michigan   with gift cards to local establishments.   The Ingham County Board of
        Health Endowment Fund, which         Fourteen organizations and two        Commissioners and LEAP announced
        has awarded a $231,206 grant to the   local heroes received donations from   $1,520,000 in Ingham County Sunrise
        Sparrow Foundation.                  MSUFCU this year, and most were       Small Business Grant Program Impact
                                             nominated by employees. In addition,   Grants to 17 organizations, finalizing
        Five community leaders will be       two local heroes each received $500:   the program’s grant distribution. The
        recognized for their contributions   Marissa Thaler, a Lansing artist      Impact Grants include 11 childcare
        during a fundraiser to support the   who uses her talents to give back     impact grants, three community
        Xavier DeGroat Autism Foundation     to the community. She volunteered     economic impact grants and three
        at the Meridian Mall on Friday,      to repaint the defaced “Fruit of Her   business incubator impact grants.
        Feb. 4 from 4 to 9 p.m. The dinner   Labor” mural by Nanibah Chacon in     These awards add to the $6.6 million
        and program will begin at 7p.m.      Old Town. She assisted in restoring Art   in grant funds awarded by LEAP
        Community leaders being honored      Path artist Isiah Lattimore’s mural   and Ingham County since the
        include: Kelli Ellsworth-Etchison,   honoring George Floyd. Ceci Bordayo,   Sunrise Grant application closed
        chief marketing officer & chief      director of Pass it On Community      July 31, 2021, focusing on increasing
        diversity officer, LAFCU; Lori Adams   Center is currently raising money to   childcare capacity, stabilizing severe
        Simon, director, diversity, equity &   renovate the center, which at one   economic disruption, and growing
        belonging and civil rights coordinator,   time was slated to close. Bordayo   entrepreneurship and business
        Sparrow; Virg Bernero, former        also worked with various community    ownership within underrepresented
        Lansing Mayor; Elaine Hardy, diversity,   groups to help more than 50      communities.

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