Page 28 - LRCC January 2022 Focus
P. 28


        will replace John Person, retiring   Professional Board Staff Network
        after serving nine years as executive   (PBSN). The PBSN is a national-level
        director.  Earl joined Hospice of    resource for those who support
        Lansing in 2014, where she served    governing boards or presidents of
        as Stoneleigh Residence liaison,     community colleges.
        administrative and facilities manager,
        clinical support manager, and                          Granger Waste
        operations supervisor.                                 Services is
                                                               pleased to
                          Yeo & Yeo, a                         announce the
                          leading Michigan-                    promotion of Paul
                          based accounting                     Anderson to the
                          and advisory                         chief operating
                          firm, announces                      officer. Anderson
                          that Dave                            joined the
                          Youngstrom,         Anderson         company in 2002.
                          CPA, will begin                      As chief operating
                          his term as the    officer, Anderson will collaborate
                          firm’s eighth      with the CEO in setting and driving
                          President and      organizational vision, operational
        CEO on January 1, 2022. Youngstrom   strategy, and future direction of the
        will take over executive leadership   company. He will also take the lead on
        of the firm’s nine offices and all Yeo   expansion activities and oversee and
        & Yeo companies – Yeo & Yeo CPAs     coordinate the entire operation of the
        & Business Consultants, Yeo & Yeo    organization toward the achievement
        Medical Billing & Consulting, Yeo & Yeo   of established policies, goals, and
        Computer Consulting and Yeo & Yeo    operating objectives.
        Wealth Management. Youngstrom
        succeeds Thomas Hollerback, who      The American Osteopathic
        retired on Dec. 31, 2021, after 38 years   Foundation (AOF) has elected MOA   A Leadership
        with Yeo & Yeo and serving the past   Executive Director Kris Nicholoff to
        nine years as President and CEO.     the AOF Board of Directors. The role       Book with a
        Under Hollerback’s leadership, Yeo &   as AOF Board member adds to the
        Yeo has continually been recognized   leadership duties on Nicholoff’s list   TWIS T
        as a top performer.                  as he also serves on the American
                                             Osteopathic Association’s Bureau
        BOARD OF DIRECTORS &                 on Federal Health Programs and
        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  the Osteopathic Political Action
        UPDATES                              Committee.

                          The Professional                     Junior
                          Board Staff                          Achievement of
                          Network has                          Mid-Michigan
                          elected Lansing                      (JA) welcomes
                          Community                            Dev Ganguly,
                          College (LCC)’s                      EVP and chief
                          executive                            operating officer
                          assistant and                        of Jackson, to
                          board liaison                        the JA Board of
                          Benita Duncan                        Directors. Dev is
        Duncan                               Ganguly
                          as president. Her                    looking forward
        election came during the recent 2021   to getting involved. He shared these   Author: Ross Woodstock
        Association of Community College     thoughts about joining the board,          Executive Coach and
        Trustees (ACCT) Leadership Congress   “JA’S mission to inspire and prepare     Leadership Consultant
        in San Diego, California. Ms. Duncan   young people to succeed in a global        Available on Amazon
        becomes the first Black woman to     economy resonates with my passion
        ascend to the position of President for   for promoting financial literacy and
        the Executive Committee of the ACCT   career preparedness. I look forward
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