Page 27 - LRCC January 2022 Focus
to the average positive response rate become one of 15 hospital donation include outcomes, analysis, tracking,
to the survey of employees under 30. recipients. Sparrow received nearly 100 participation and incentives, benefits
nominations. and programs, leadership, employee
DISTINCTIONS input, culture, and environment.
MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)
A national rural health organization was named #8 out of 30 large Foster Swift Collins & Smith will
has recognized a Sparrow Eaton employers for the Detroit Free Press be one of the 70-plus law firms
Hospital caregiver as Michigan’s 2021 Top Workplace Awards. In participating in the Midsize Mansfield
Community Star for her work addition, April Clobes, president and Rule Certification program. This
on improving the health of rural CEO of MSUFCU, was selected as program was established by the
communities. Kalli Dempsey, of one of three Top Leaders. This marks Diversity Lab (an incubator for
Charlotte, was the lone statewide the eleventh consecutive year the innovative ideas and solutions that
honoree of the National Organization Credit Union has been named a Top boost diversity and inclusion in the
of State Offices of Rural Health. Workplace by the Detroit Free Press law) to boost the representation of
Dempsey works as the Neighborhood and the second time that April Clobes historically underrepresented lawyers
Coordinator for the Eaton Community has received recognition as a Top in law firm leadership by broadening
Health StreetHeart program, part of Leader. the pool of candidates considered for
a collaboration with Sparrow Eaton, a these positions.
community health worker. Dempsey Fraser Trebilcock
has been a Sparrow caregiver for is pleased to PROMOTIONS
about three years. announce that
attorney Mark
Super Lawyers E. Kellogg has
has recognized been selected as
Fraser Trebilcock one of this year’s
attorney Marlaine “Leaders in the
C. Teahan as one Law” by Michigan
of this year’s “Top Kellogg Lawyers Weekly.
100: 2021 Michigan This award
Super Lawyers,” recognizes those who contribute
and “Top 50: 2021 significant time and energy to the Jones Chall
Women Michigan practice of law in Michigan and
Super Lawyers.” demonstrate leadership in improving Highfields is pleased to announce two
Marlaine is no stranger to legal their communities and the justice promotions to the senior leadership
accolades. This is the second time she system in Michigan. Mark has devoted team: Tyler Jones as interim director
has been recognized as one of the over 30 years of practice to the needs of residential services and Terra Chall
“Top 100 Michigan Super Lawyers” and of family and closely held businesses as director of community services
the eighth time she has been one of and enterprises, business succession, for the South Team. Jones joined
the “Top 50 Women Michigan Super commercial lending, and estate Highfields as a residential family
Lawyers” named by peer reviews planning. counselor in 2013. He later became
conducted by Super Lawyers. the manager of treatment services
The National Association for Business before accepting his new leadership
Sparrow Hospital is one of 15 national Resources has named MSUFCU as role. Chall joined Highfields in 2013 as
hospitals to receive a NICU donation a Michigan Best and Brightest in the community services supervisor for
of five MamaRoo Infant Seats as part Wellness® 2021 winner for the ninth their Jackson location.
this year’s Nominate a NICU program, consecutive year by the National
an initiative sponsored by Project Association for Business Resources. Hospice
Sweet Peas, a national non-profit This program honors companies of Lansing
organization that supports NICUs that promote employee well-being, announced the
and NICU families; The Superhero worksite health, and wellness. promotion of
Project, a regional non-profit that Companies were evaluated by an greater Lansing
assists NICU families; and 4moms, the assessment administered by SynBella, area native Andi
makers of the MamaRoo Infant Seat. a leading wellness systems firm. Earl as its new
In its fifth year, the Nominate a NICU Company entries were examined executive director.
program invites, parents, families, for quantitative and qualitative data Earl, who served
and hospital employees to share their and scored on a criteria-based point Earl as the Hospice of
stories about their incredible NICUs system to benchmark and improve Lansing director
and NICU staff for the opportunity to wellness program effectiveness. They of operations for the past two years