Page 17 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 17

“Our entire

                                                  community has
                                                   been a shining
                                                     example of

                                               resilience the past
                                                 couple of years.
                                                 We are emerging

                                                   from COVID in
                                                very strong shape
                                                 and experiencing

                                                solid growth. The
                                               type of leadership

                                                   that has been                                    THOMAS
                                                   a hallmark of
        “For more than 120 years, the region’s      our business                    served as board chair in 2020
        business community has helped                                               and 2021 and was instrumental in
        the Lansing Regional Chamber              community for                     helping the LRCC come through
        celebrate the business leadership        decades and has                    the COVID pandemic in strong
        that has transformed our regional                                           financial shape. Patrick Dean of
        economy,” said Daman. “I would             certainly been                   Dean Transportation was also
        like to thank all our members who        evident the past                   recognized for his ten years of
        helped the LRCC enjoy a successful                                          service to the LRCC Board of
        year and your continued investment        couple of years                   Directors, including serving as chair
        not only in our organization but also                                       in 2019.
        in our region. We invite you to join    will be needed on
        us in building a better chamber,          many fronts as                    Recognizing
        a stronger community and more                                               Excellence in
        vibrant region.”                        we move forward                     Leadership
                                                through the rest
        Wendy Hamilton and Patrick Dean                                             In addition to an evening of
        were also recognized for their                  of 2022.”                   networking, fun and food, the
        leadership on the LRCC Board of                                             Annual Dinner also serves as an
        Directors. Hamilton of TechSmith                                            opportunity for the community

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