Page 22 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 22

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JULY 2022

        Sparrow Hospital has achieved        Program, Eaton RESA Career
        the highest ranking possible for     Preparation Center, Eaton Rapids
        caring for pregnant and new moms     High School.
        from the Michigan Alliance for
        Innovation on Maternal Health (MI    WKAR Public Media at Michigan
        AIM). The “platinum” designation     State University has been honored
        places Sparrow in an elite group of   with a Regional Edward R. Murrow
        Michigan hospitals and reflects the   Award for an investigative report
        leading-edge medicine and highly     on ballot measures ahead of
        skilled physicians and caregivers    the November 2021 elections in        Jain             Karimian
        who contribute to provide the        Michigan. “Group is Backing a String
        highest quality care to mothers in   of Marijuana Proposals in Michigan,
        mid-Michigan. The platinum ranking   But Its Donors Are a Mystery,” by
        is based on various factors, such    WKAR Politics and Civics Reporter
        as intense involvement in training   Sarah Lehr, won the award for
        offered by MI AIM and top scores     Investigative Reporting in the Small
        for the treatment of women in such   Market Radio division. The story
        areas as hypertension, reducing      examined the unclear origins of
        hemorrhages, and sepsis.             various funding sources responsible
                                             for the 2021 ballot measures that
                                             would allow the presence of           Isles            Rothhorn
                                             marijuana businesses in certain       Write to Educate Essay Contest and
                                             Michigan counties and cities.         $2,000 to charities selected by the
                                                                                   winners. The four graduating high
                                                                                   school students, each earning a
                                                                                   $2,500 scholarship are Aanchal Jain
                                                                                   and Berelian Karimian, Okemos;
                                                                                   Gavin Isles, Bannister; and Mori
                                                                                   Rothhorn, Lansing. Their selection
                                                                                   was based on a one-page essay that
        Black             Rademacher                                               examines their experiences during
                          Three Eaton                                              the coronavirus pandemic.
                          Service Agency     Sparrow Clinton Hospital recently
                          (RESA) Career      honored a nurse with the DAISY
                          Preparation        Award for her compassionate
                          Center students    care, outstanding nursing skills,
                          have been          and patient advocacy. Emergency
                          recognized for     Services Nurse Amarily “Lily”
                          the Breaking       Mendez, BSN, RN, was named a
                          Traditions Award   DAISY honoree based on a patient
        through the Michigan Department      letter, recognizing her extraordinary
        of Education Office of Career and    bedside manner, and identifying       Crosby           Latunski
        Technical Education. Each of the     her as “the most caring, kind, gentle,                 Three highly
        students has received the Michigan   and understanding caregiver.” One                      skilled caregivers
        Breaking Traditions 2022 Merit       of nine Sparrow Clinton nurses                         have received
        Award and has received an award      nominated for this prestigious                         Sparrow Eaton
        plaque, a certificate and a letter   award, Mendez has been a Sparrow                       Hospital’s
        of recognition: Breannyn Black,      caregiver since 2017. In 2020, she                     highest honors
        Mechanical Engineering Program,      received the Outstanding Latino                        for their
        Eaton RESA Career Preparation        Caregiver Award presented by the                       exceptional
        Center, Lansing Everett High         Lansing Latino Health Alliance and                     contributions
        School; Carmon Rademacher,           Sparrow Health System.                Walser           to leading-edge
        Auto Technology Program, Eaton                                                              patient care and
        RESA Career Preparation Center,      LAFCU has awarded $10,000 in          the hospital’s success. The winners
        Grand Ledge High School and          college scholarships to winners of    of the Fulton Awards of Excellence
        Rowan Wilson, Welding Technology     the credit union’s fourteenth annual   were recognized during a recent

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