Page 24 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 24

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JULY 2022

        has been on pediatric and binocular   Sparrow Carson received two          Nurses Tea celebrating National
        vision research, and exceptional     four-star awards from Professional    Nurses Week. Priess, who earned
        eyecare for the young, marginalized,   Research Consultants, Inc. in       her Bachelor of Science in Nursing
        and special needs populations;       recognition of scores in the top      degree from Northern Michigan
        The Student of the Year award        25 percent nationally for “Overall    University, considers becoming
        was presented to Class of 2022’s     Quality of Care” in the Emergency     a nurse one of her greatest
        James Alvarez-Carpenter who          Department and for “Overall           accomplishments. “I was drawn to
        is already well on track for post-   Hospital Rating” for Sparrow          nursing by my desire to care for,
        graduate success. He’s been a leader   Carson Inpatient Services. The PRC   serve, and help other people.”
        throughout his scholastic career;    Excellence in Healthcare Awards
        most notably, as one of the Class    are presented to organizations and    Delta Township achieved gold
        Representatives; and the Friend of   individuals who have achieved top     status for exemplary action through
        Optometry Award was presented        standards in patient satisfaction     efforts such as coordination
        to State Sen. Dale Zorn, R-Ida who   scores in the previous year, based on   between regional partners
        has been a staunch supporter of the   patient surveys.                     to increase non-motorized
        Michigan Optometric Association,                                           transportation elements into new
        and championed many of its most      Twenty-one entrepreneurs from         infrastructure. A recent project, the
        pressing eye health issues and       across Clinton, Eaton, Ingham and     Waverly Pathway, is a collaboration
        concerns.                            Shiawassee counties have been         between Delta staff, the community,
                                             selected to participate in program    and Michigan State University. It
        DISTINCTIONS                         six of One and All. This inclusive    will remove invasive plant species
                                             entrepreneurship initiative created in   from parks, invest in water bottle
                                             2020 by the Lansing Economic Area     filling stations to divert plastic water
                                             Partnership (LEAP) and generously     bottles from landfills and install
                                             funded by the Michigan Economic       public EV charging stations.
                                             Development Corporation (MEDC)
                                             and Consumers Energy Foundation                        Sparrow Carson
                                             will allow participants to build or                    Hospital is proud
        LAFCU recently surprised six Perry   grow their businesses. The One and                     to announce that
        Public Schools teachers each with    All initiative’s success across its first              Sparrow Medical
        a $500 grant. Teachers winning       five programs has culminated in the                    Group Ithaca
        the $3,000 in grants are Olivia      creation of 60 jobs and an average                     physician David
        Flores, kindergarten; Abigail        annual household income increase                       Freestone, M.D.,
        Schuelke, K-4 special education;     of approximately $10,000 within                        was recently
        Amy Daenzer, seventh grade           six months of program graduation                       recognized
        social studies/language arts and     (programs 1-4) and $17,000 one-       Freestone        by the Gratiot
        6-8 special education; Danyne        and-a-half years post-graduation                       Chamber of
        Lambert, seventh grade science;      (program 1). Of the initiative’s 99   Commerce as Ithaca Person of the
        Jennifer Gauna, high school          graduates, 69% either entered the     Year. Dr. Freestone has cared for
        media and technology course;         program with a legally established    patients at the SMG Ithaca location
        Misti Leitelt, high school special   business entity or created one during   for more than 21 years. During this
        education.                           the program, and several have         time, he has served as practice
                                             opened brick and mortar storefronts   leader, chief of staff, on the Sparrow
                          Origami            after graduation.                     Carson Hospital Board of Directors
                          Rehabilitation                                           and the Sparrow Carson Foundation
                          would like to                        Registered nurse    Development Council as chairman.
                          congratulate                         Gretchen Priess,    He has shown an undying passion to
                          Physical                             BSN, RN, CMSRN      serve the community.
                          Therapist Ron                        joined Sparrow
                          Radawiec for                         Clinton Hospital    Delta Township was recognized
                          being selected                       during Ronald       recently for environmental
                          as a recipient                       Reagan’s first      leadership by the statewide
                          of a Going Pro                       administration      Michigan Green Communities
                          Grant. Ron                           and now she’s       program. As part of the 2021
        will use the grant for continued     Priess            been honored        Michigan Green Communities (MGC)
        education and complete a course                        for four decades    Challenge, 44 participating local
        titled “Manual Articular Approach:   of compassionate care. Priess was     governments were awarded gold,
        Spine and Pelvis.”                   recently recognized at the annual     silver, or bronze seals of achievement

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