Page 28 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JULY 2022

        a groundbreaking, FDA-approved       communities’ efforts to address       Colliers Lansing represented
        treatment that improves the heart’s   food insecurity. NALC’s Stamp Out    landlord and developer Wolverine
        ability to contract, allowing more   Hunger returned on May 14. Post       Development Corporation in
        oxygen-rich blood to be pushed       office employees and community        a deal in which Detroit Wing
        through the body. It’s designed to   volunteers collected more than        Company leased a 1,900-square-
        improve the quality of life for those   81,233 lbs. of non-perishable food   foot space at 6527 S. Cedar St., in
        no longer responding to medications   donations from area residents as     a new three-tenant development
        to manage symptoms or slow the       part of the thirtieth annual Letter   nearby other restaurant and retail
        progression of heart failure.        Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food       establishments. Jeff Ridenour,
                                             Drive.                                associate vice president, and Shawn
        Community members came                                                     O’Brien, vice president at Colliers
        together to raise money, donate                                            Lansing, represented Wolverine
        food and volunteer to help Greater                                         Development.
        Lansing Food Bank in its mission
        to alleviate hunger one meal at a                                          MSU Federal Credit Union
        time by raising 1.2 million meals.                                         announced it will open a full-service
        After a two-year hiatus, GLFB’s                                            branch in downtown Detroit in the
        largest annual fund and food-                                              fall of 2022. The Marquette branch
        raising events returned just days                                          will be located at 243 W. Congress
        apart. Greater Lansing Food Bank’s                                         St., at the corner of Washington
        (GLFB) annual Empty Plate Event                                            Boulevard and Congress Street, in
        held on May 12 and the National                                            the historical Marquette building.
        Association of Letter Carriers’ (NALC)   Indoor action and amusement       It will include a community room
        annual Stamp Out Hunger food         park, High Caliber Karting &          for use by nonprofit organizations
        drive followed just two days after,   Entertainment has breathed new life   and other community partners. The
        resulting in major food contributions   into the local music scene. After the   branch will be MSUFCU’s twenty-
        to GLFB. On May 12, GLFB welcomed    entertainment facility’s 25,000 square   third branch.
        back its fourteenth annual Empty     footage expansion was completed
        Plate event at the Huntington        in August 2021, High Caliber realized   On June 1, Holt Public Schools
        Club, raising more than $390,000.    that its new bar space, the Double    broke ground on the first phase
        During the event, GLFB presented     Clutch Lounge, was the perfect        of construction because of the
        the sixth annual Founder’s Award     location for live music events. Double   May 4 bond proposal. Holt Public
        to the Camille and Maryalice Abood   Clutch’s live music events take place   Schools successfully passed a $148
        family for their extraordinary energy,   every Friday at 7 p.m., are free to   million proposal to address aging
        support, leadership, heart, and      attend with no age limit, and feature   critical infrastructure, safety and
        soul that has anchored Lansing for   a large variety of local bands that   security, learning environments and
        generations and buoyed the Lansing   focus on various genres.              innovation with the community’s

         Environmental Consulting
         Natural Resources                     CREATING



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