Page 30 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JULY 2022

        museums and science centers to       management and programming            increase CASA’s capacity to train
        arts and family-friendly fare, you’ll   agreement that expanded Michigan   and recruit new volunteer advocates
        discover adventures for all ages right   Radio coverage to include WLNZ.   with a deep understanding of the
        in your own backyard! Information    Michigan Radio has provided public    needs of children of color in the
        can be found at     radio programming for WLNZ since      welfare system, disproportionately
        lovelansing.                         late last year. Listeners hear their   represented compared to the
                                             favorite shows like “Marketplace,”    general population. The assistance
        As interactive exhibit inspired by the   “BBC Newshour” and Michigan       is timely, she added, considering
        Mister Rogers’ Factory Tours, opened   Radio’s “Stateside,” the station’s   the number of Ingham County
        at Impression 5 Science Center on    award-winning daily news program.     judges who requested support from
        June 11. In this traveling exhibit —   As part of the management and       CASA tripled in 2021. The nonprofit
        created by the Children’s Museum     programming agreement, LCC airs       desperately needs more advocates to
        of Pittsburgh — kids and families    locally-produced programming on       serve the 450 children facing neglect
        explore the story of manufacturing   WLNZ each week at 1 p.m. Saturdays    or abuse in the county.
        and the tools and machines used      and 6 p.m. Sundays. Produced by
        to make familiar objects. “How       LCC, the programming includes
        People Make Things” brings the       news, information and interviews
        manufacturing experience to life     spotlighting the college’s academic
        and shows how familiar childhood     programs and upcoming events of
        objects are made. Hands-on           public interest.
        activities in cutting, molding,
        deforming, and assembly show the
        people, ideas and technology used to
        transform raw materials into finished
        products. In this exhibit, visitors
        can cut wax, deform wires, mold
        spoons, assemble a trolley, and much                                       The communications agency
        more! “How People Make Things” is                                          formerly known as Van Dyke
        sponsored by the Dart Foundation.                                          Horn has a new name and brand:
                                                                                   98Forward. While the name and
        Colliers Lansing helped bring two                                          brand have changed — the 24 years
        new businesses to the Lansing area.                                        of communications knowledge and
        Flex spaces are in high demand       MSU Federal Credit Union              expertise remains the same. The
        but lack in supply in Michigan. Flex   (MSUFCU) announced that it will     agency’s new name, 98Forward,
        space allows companies to combine    be opening a full-service branch      marks the year the agency was
        office and warehouse needs in a way   in Kentwood, Michigan, in spring     founded and signifies the continuity
        that best suits their use. Gumseat   2023. The branch will be located at   with its institutional legacy and
        Productions is a family-owned        4580 28th St., and will be MSUFCU’s   trajectory of the Black-owned,
        custom apparel company that does     twenty-fourth branch. The new         woman-owned businesses: Forward.
        traditional screen printing and      branch will offer drive-up video
        embroidery for local businesses,     tellers and 24-hour ATMs, as well     Sparrow has been named title
        schools and special events. The      as a full range of financial products   sponsor of Cap City Athletic 1847, a
        2,000-square-foot suite located      and services, including mortgages     perfect marriage of the healthcare
        at 4291 Veterans Drive in Holt will   and business services. As a full-    system’s leading-edge sports
        allow the business to move from      service branch, MSUFCU’s Kentwood     medicine program and highly
        Gaylord to Lansing and quicken its   location will create 10 new jobs —    skilled physicians with Lansing’s
        turnaround time for orders. McCardel   two managers (a branch manager      premier soccer club. Sparrow was
        is the landlord at 4150 Hunsaker     and assistant manager) and eight      selected as a sponsor because of its
        Drive in East Lansing, where Wilkins   financial services representatives.  standing as mid-Michigan’s leading
        Floorcovering recently opened                                              healthcare provider and the region’s
        its first Lansing location. After    Court Appointed Special Advocates     only community-based, community-
        discovering the property, Wilkins    (CASA) for Kids, which provides       owned, community-governed health
        quickly secured the space knowing    children with highly trained          system. Sparrow Orthopedics and
        how difficult it was to find after   advocates within the court system,    Sports Medicine recently added
        looking for almost a year.           received the $25,000 grant from the   four highly skilled and experienced
                                             Jackson National Life Insurance       surgeons, building a comprehensive
        Lansing Community College            Company (Jackson®) biannual           program that is a destination for
        and Michigan Radio formalized a      grant program. The funding will       patients throughout Michigan. l

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