Page 29 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
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help. The Board of Education, staff Origami West is located at 137 S.
and students joined the construction Marketplace Blvd. in Lansing.
team for a brief ceremony and photo
op to officially break ground on the PFCU’s Cash for Classrooms
Elliott Elementary project. Similar Program has impacted 21 teachers
groundbreaking ceremonies were with a $150 donation for a total of
held for Midway Early Learning $3,150. From January through May,
Center on June 2 and Wilcox teachers had the opportunity to
Elementary on June 3. enter or be nominated to win the
$150 to be used on any expenses or
Credit union service organization needs they had for their classroom.
(CUSO) Reseda Group, founded This was PFCU’s second year offering
and owned by MSU Federal Credit this program, with over 700 entries
Union, added another subsidiary to across the state. The credit union is
its team of companies supporting excited to see what the future holds
credit unions. M3 Group joins Reseda for this program.
Group as a wholly-owned subsidiary
focused on growing its current The Greater Lansing Sports
client operations and a division Authority and the Mid-Michigan
focused on credit union financial Tennis Association were excited
services. M3 Group is a full-service to host the return of the Capital
marketing, communications and City Tennis Classic, June 5-12.
advertising agency founded in The event was sanctioned by the
2002 and currently celebrating its International Tennis Federation
20th anniversary. Headquartered and drew 105 participants, from 17
in Lansing, with a satellite office in countries around the world. Some
Detroit, the company is known for its of those countries include: Japan,
integrated strategy, multi-industry Ghana, Kazakhstan, Canada, South
focus and regional magazine Africa, Latvia, Australia, Bolivia,
A Leadership publishing. M3 Group will continue Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, Iraq,
Book with a to be led by Tiffany Dowling, who and Romania. The players competed
for $25,000 in prize money.
will develop and implement strategy,
TWIS T processes, and culture. Traditionally each spring, the Greater
Lansing Convention & Visitors
Bureau (GLCVB) hosts the citywide,
Be A Tourist in Your Own Town
event. The primary goal of the one-
day event was to shine a light on
our many attractions and activities
that make Lansing such a great
place to live. This year, the event
has evolved into an entire summer
In June, Origami Rehabilitation of fun! With financial contributions
celebrated one year of serving from the generous sponsor, Jackson
the community at their satellite National Life Insurance Co., the
location, Origami West. The GLCVB launched a “Love Lansing
opening of this satellite location Like a Local” advertising campaign
has made Origami’s services more in early June, encouraging residents
accessible to the community to safely and responsibly enjoy our
and allowed them to serve more hospitality related businesses. The
Author: Ross Woodstock individuals in need. Origami West multi-faceted outreach includes
Executive Coach and offers the same outpatient services advertising with local media, social
Leadership Consultant at their Mason location, such as media and community engagement
Available on Amazon physical therapy, occupational efforts. The GLCVB has developed
therapy, speech-language a comprehensive list of various
pathology, psychiatry, psychology, attractions, indoor activities, and
driver rehabilitation, and more. outdoor recreation spots. From