Page 26 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JULY 2022

        facilitating workshops, and advising   technician, Tim Hogg has been       Ermel, Caleb Ewers (Consolidated),
        organizations on leadership, talent   with Delta Township since 1985. He   Tyler Fitch (Consolidated), Douglas
        management, and diversity.           began his career with Delta in the    Hawley (Consolidated), Harrison
                                             planning department before moving     Mazurek (Consolidated), Scott
        Edge CEO Lorri Rishar, MBA, has      to the engineering department.        McDonald (Consolidated), Robert
        been appointed to the Michigan       Storm Water Specialist/Construction   Miller, Elliott Mliakoff (Thee Electric),
        Life & Health Insurance Guaranty     Inspector Walt Kulasa has been with   Austin Pettit (Consolidated),
        Association (MLHIGA) Board of        Delta Township for 36 years. Walt     Jade Pratt (CEC Electric), Johnny
        Directors. MLHIGA protects Michigan   began his career with Delta in the   Rodriguez, Nathaniel Saunders
        insurance policyholders, within      utility department before moving to   (Tradesmen), Zachary Schmalbach
        limits, in the unlikely event that a   the engineering department.         (Consolidated), Brady Simpson (A/C
        member insurer becomes financially                                         Electric), Hunter Spratt (R. Bruton
        unable to meet its obligations. Rishar                                     Electric), Christopher Walker (JC
        will serve in a citizen’s capacity                                         Electric).
        alongside the state’s top life and
        health insurers.                                                           COMPANY NEWS


                                             In advance of Memorial Day,
                                             community leader and Sparrow
                                             legend James W. Butler III was
                                             laid to rest with honorees during
                                             a touching service at Arlington
                                             National Cemetery in Washington
                                             D.C. In a service attended by a wide
        Murphy            Whiteman           range of people reflecting his impact
                          LAFCU has          — from loved ones, community,         McLaren Greater Lansing and
                          named three        political and business leaders, and   Lansing Urgent Care have signed
                          individuals        members of his Sparrow Family         an affiliation agreement to improve
                          to leadership      — Butler was recognized for his       access to faster care for patients in
                          positions as       extraordinary service to his country.   the Greater Lansing community.
                          senior staff       He was a veteran of the U.S. Army     The deal is not an acquisition or
                          members.           who served in Vietnam, receiving      merger. Each provider will remain
                          Chrystal Murphy    many commendations, including         independent from a legal and
                          has been           the Combat Infantry Badge, Army       operational standpoint. The new
        Tahir             promoted to        Commendation Medal, two Purple        affiliation will assist patients seeking
                          vice president     Hearts and four Bronze Stars. His     medical assistance in finding the
        of operations. Melissa Whiteman      perilous experience in Vietnam        appropriate level of care though
        is promoted to manager of the        led him to one day vow to devote      cross-promotion of wait times at
        South Lansing and Collins Road       himself to helping others. Butler died   Lansing Urgent Care and McLaren,
        branches. Umar Tahir joined LAFCU    on Aug. 7, 2020 of congestive heart   along with more streamlined
        as branch manager of the Contact     failure. He was 77.                   follow-up care. The integration with
        Center, which includes the phone                                           diagnostics, lab, and imaging results
        center and member service through    The Greater Michigan Construction     will provide a more streamlined and
        Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs)   Academy congratulates all the         timely access for patients needing
        located at branch drive-thrus and in   recent graduates from their         ongoing care.
        the community.                       Electrical program in Lansing,
                                             including Dylan Antes (JC Electric),   Zeedia Media, a Lansing-based,
        PEOPLE NEWS                          Luke Bindschatel (Consolidated        full-service digital marketing
                                             Electrical), Brendan Binge            agency, held the inaugural Michigan
        On May 13, Tim Hogg and Walt         (Tradesmen), Dagan Bowers             Marketing Outstanding Brands
        Kulasa of the engineering            (A/C Electric), Raygan Bruton         Summit on May 6. This event
        department officially retired from   (Consolidated Electrical), Wyatt      brought together 17 speakers from
        Delta Township. Engineering          Crow (Albion Electric), Colten        various mid-Michigan marketing

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