Page 21 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 21                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

 LRC-PAC Announces First Round of    NEW HIRES  worked as an engineering technician   Eaton Rapids worked together on
                                             for more than five years.
                                                                                   this team event to take home the
 Election Endorsements    Edge expanded                                            Gold Medal at the SkillsUSA State
                          its team in May    AWARDS                                Leadership Conference, which was
                          by adding Tiffany                                        held in Grand Rapids.
                          Hall as executive
                          Hall maintains
                          office services,
                          provides general
                          support, and
                          ensures the
        office operates smoothly. Tiffany
        has over 10 years of experience at   Croft             Farhat
        the AppleTree & Gilden Woods Early
        Care and Preschool. As the director,   Two Sparrow physicians who          On a night of creative collaboration,
        she managed school leaders, hired    distinguished themselves for          seven local entrepreneurs pitched
        and led new program directors, and   outstanding work in 2021 have         at The Hatching, Lansing Economic
        worked collaboratively with multiple   been jointly named as Sparrow’s     Area Partnership’s (LEAP) quarterly
        departments.                         Physicians of the Year: Philip Croft,   pitch competition. The event, open
                                             M.D., J.D., director of Regulatory    to entrepreneurs in Clinton, Eaton,
                          Mental Health      Affairs for Sparrow Laboratories      Ingham and Shiawassee counties,
                          Association        and Laboratory director for Sparrow   took place May 5 and marked LEAP’s
                          of Michigan        Eaton Hospital, and Mohamed Hani      first return to in-person events
                          welcomes           Farhat, M.D., a leader in Sparrow     since 2019. The top prize went to
                          Kristen Taylor to   Hospital’s Pediatric Intensive       Bryan Lendzion, who took home
                          the team! Kristen   Care Unit. Dr. Croft was a valuable   $2,000 for his idea Subleasify — a
                          is a Lansing       member of Sparrow’s Incident          web-based platform designed to
                          native and has     Command during the pandemic. He       make subleasing easier. Lendzion’s
                          a background       used his computer coding skills to    pitch won over the judges with
                          in non-profit      plot out large amounts of data that   its logical approach to a common
                          and association    helped guide Sparrow’s resources      need — not only is there a high
        management. She has earned her       and care, especially valuable         demand for subleasing in a college
        stripes with 25-years of experience   during critical COVID surges. Dr.    town like East Lansing, but it also
        in areas of events, graphic design/  Farhat is widely respected for his    considers the shift in environments
        marketing, continuing education,     compassionate care toward his         resulting from the conflict between
        board governance and authoring       young patients and for his medical    an increase in remote work and
        grants.  One of her favorite produced   research. He also gained attention   traditional, long-term leases.
        events was Michigan’s NAMIWalk,      during 2021 by being on the scene
        which she expanded to raise          of a serious accident on I-496 and                     Origami
        $150,000 annually and was noted      responding immediately to save                         Rehabilitation
        as the one of the Top Ten Walks      several of the young victims.                          would like to
        by NAMI National. Kristen belongs                                                           congratulate
        to MiSGMP (Michigan Society of       Eaton RESA Career Preparation                          Tom Judd,
        Government Meeting Professionals)    Center students have received a Gold                   director of
        and is currently serving her second   Medal in the Welding Fabrication                      quality of
        term as Board Secretary.             team event at the SkillsUSA State                      assurance, for
                                             Leadership and Skills Conference.                      being selected
        Delta Township is proud to           SkillsUSA is a national career and                     as the recipient
        welcome Jacob Kleinhenz, senior      technical student organization        Judd             of the Public
        engineer, and Erik Dehring, senior   (CTSO) that provides opportunities    Awareness Award presented by
        engineering technician, to their     for students who are preparing        the Brain Injury Association of
        work family. Jacob joins from the    for careers in trade, technical and   Michigan! Tom has played a pivotal
        private consulting industry, where   skilled occupations. Three students,   role in various public awareness
        he worked as a civil engineer for    Rowan Wilson from Eaton Rapids,       efforts, most recently being his
        nine years. Erik joins from the Eaton   Will Leisenring from Grand Ledge   work advocating for a fix to the
        County Road Commission, where he     and Connor Woodcock from              auto no-fault legislation.

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