Page 19 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
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The LRCC joined forces with the Lansing Economic Ambassador of the Year. Ambassadors play a vital role
Area Partnership (LEAP) to create and present a new in helping LRCC members make connections. Sara,
award at this year’s Annual Dinner. The Diversity Star employed by Custom Built Design & Remodeling,
Award honors companies and organizations within has served as an LRCC Ambassador since April 2016.
the Greater Lansing region that demonstrate a solid During that time, she has engaged with members at
commitment to advancing equity and creating numerous functions, including Lansing Economic Club,
inclusive environments, champion efforts for diversity Member Mixers, Chamber 360 and the Lansing Open.
and equitable practices in the workplace and beyond,
support underserved and underrepresented employees “I am thankful for the opportunity to serve our
and communities and contribute to a more just and community and be part of a team of such dedicated
equitable region. professionals,” said Majeske.
“It is important for us to focus on DEI as a region because The evening also served as an opportunity to
it is our outlook that the most prosperous regions in the congratulate many of the honorees of the region’s
nation will be the ones that are the most welcoming,” most prestigious awards, including Michelle Massey
said Tony Willis, chief equity development officer, LEAP. of TechSmith, the 2021 ATHENA Leadership Award
“Where people can feel they can be their true, honest recipient and 2022 ATHENAPowerlink Award recipient,
selves and the ability to aspire to be their best selves.” Tobi Lyon of Ngage Management.
Peckham was honored with the inaugural Diversity The 2021 Celebration of Regional Growth Award
Star Award. Peckham is a large nonprofit vocational recipients included Allen Neighborhood Center, Bekum
rehabilitation organization that provides jobs and America, High Caliber Karting, Lansing Board of Water
training opportunities to more than 5,000 individuals and Light, and McLaren Greater Lansing.
with disabilities and other barriers to employment
each year. Its mission is to provide a wide range of Also recognized were the 2021 recipients of the 10
opportunities to maximize human potential for persons Over the Next Ten Award, which honors the top
striving for independence and self-sufficiency. young professionals in the region, including; MiChaela
Barker (Ingham County Health Department), Elvin
“We are a human services agency that has a mission to Caldwell (legislative affairs consultant), Brian Daniels
help create the next step for people with disabilities,” (emPOWer Lansing), Mallory DePrekel (Communities
said Jo Sinha, CEO, Peckham. “Whether a job, housing, in Schools of Michigan), Justin Hewson(MSUFCU), Nate
or helping with transportation barriers. Our job is to help Kirk (Commercial Bank), Quincie McCalla (Modern
people gain economic security through employment.” Woodman of America), Breina Pugh (Lansing Board of
Water and Light), Brian Sapita (Michigan Pharmacists
Sara Majeske was recognized as the Chamber’s 2021 Assocation) and Kirstyn Waldron (Jackson National). l
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