Page 23 - LRCC July 2022 Focus
P. 23                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        ceremony. They are Jessica Crosby,                                         training center located in
        entrance coordinator, who received                                         Indianapolis, IN.
        the non-clinical service award;
        Rachel Latunski, RN, emergency                                             The Michigan Optometric
        department manager, who received                                           Association (MOA) awarded the past
        the Leadership Service Award and                                           year’s most distinguished members
        Savannah Walser, RN, registered                                            of the state’s optometry community
        nurse in Med-Surg, who received the                                        at its annual Great Lakes Eyecare
        Clinical Service Award.                                                    Conference, held in Detroit on May 19
                                                                                   – 20. Detroit optometrist Dr. William
        Dr. Tonya Bailey, chief diversity                                          R. Harmon, a longtime advocate of
        officer at Lansing Community                                               accessible eye care for all, and who
        College was among top educators      Cinnaire has announced its            has worked to facilitate meaningful
        from diverse disciplines and         NMTC development, Ivy Tech            change, was named Optometrist
        statewide campuses to receive the    Automotive Technology Center in       of the Year; The Roger R. Seelye
        coveted Distinguished Woman          Indianapolis, has been recognized     Distinguished Service Award was
        in Higher Education Leadership       with a prestigious 2022 Novogradac    presented to Owosso optometrist
        Award at state conference of the     Journal of Tax Credits Real Estate    Dr. Matt Maki who has long been
        Michigan ACE (American Council       QLICI of the Year Award. The awards   recognized by both patients and
        on Education) Network. Dr. Bailey    recognize organizations that have     colleagues for his compassionate
        was cited for her efforts on behalf   made exceptional qualified low-      care and community involvement;
        of the human need for community,     income community investments          The Optometric Educator of the Year
        connection and belonging. She has    (QLICIs) in the past year. Cinnaire   was presented to Dr. Emily Aslakson
        founded and leads several programs   received the Real Estate QLICI of     of Big Rapids, an assistant professor
        at the East Lansing campus focused   the Year Award for its investment in   at Michigan College of Optometry;
        on equity, inclusion, and inspiration   the Ivy Tech Automotive Technology   The Keyperson award was presented
        of young women.                      Center, a workforce development       to Dr. Paula McDowell whose focus

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