Page 41 - Dechencholing HSS dairy 2023
P. 41
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
Leave Procedure
a. a. Students’ absence must be informed to the LC/class teacher by the parent/
legal guardian in person.
b. If leave extends to more than three days, the parent/guardian must meet the
Principal when the child reports to school. (Unauthorized absentees will be
allowed to attend classes only with written permission from the Principal).
• Exemption from Morning Assembly is granted by Class tr/LC only in writing
(Permit to be produced on enquiry). All those exempted from the assembly will
stay in the canopy near the assembly without talking/creating disturbance. All
must stand for the national anthem
Substance Abuse:
The purpose of keeping the school drugs free is to:
• Set out School’s (Dechenchholing HSS) commitment to provide a drug free
environment for the positive health and well-being of its community.
• Put in place appropriate preventive, regulatory and control mechanisms within
the school in line with the National Drug Policy.
The school reminds that the following types of drug use by students are not
acceptable in our school premises, school functions and any other places.
• smoking and/or possession of tobacco products and lighting equipment,
• possession and/or use of doma
• consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages
• possession and /or consumption of prohibited drugs
• deliberate inhalation of solvents (thinner/dendrite/other liquid inhalents) and
• possession and/or use of drug-related equipment such as syringes, bongs
(hookah/gravity) and pipes except in cases of prescription by a registered
medical practitioner (eg. the use of needles by diabetics – medical prescription
to be produced).
Academic Integrity Policy
Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to:
• Set out commitment to the importance of appropriate acknowledgment.
• Respond to plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct in a
consistent and equitable manner.
The development of this Academic Policy dwells upon the following documents:
The Royal University of Bhutan: The Wheel of Academic Law (2009), RIM Academic
Handbook (May 2015), Bonita High School (USA) Student Services Handbook (2015
- 2016).
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 41