Page 37 - Lupin Employee Handbook and Supplements - July 2018
P. 37
Lupin Employee Handbook
after your employment with Lupin is terminated or the relevant project completed. If appropriate,
Lupin may take civil and/or criminal action against anyone violating this policy, and will seek
repayment of all legal fees and costs. Depending on the nature of your position, you may be
required as a condition of employment to execute an agreement confirming ownership of
intellectual property rights with Lupin.
Media Inquiries
All media inquiries for statements, comments, or other information on behalf of the Company
(including but not limited to those relating to legal or legislative issues) must be referred directly
to the Vice President of Legal.
Standards of Conduct and Corrective Actions
You have a responsibility to your fellow employees and to Lupin to follow certain rules governing
safety, honesty, and good business conduct. Generally speaking, we expect each person to act in a
mature and responsible way at all times. If you commit an act that is offensive to the rules of
common sense or an act which violates Lupin’s policies or procedures, including Lupin’s Code of
Conduct, you should expect to be disciplined. The nature of the discipline will depend upon the
nature of the violation and surrounding circumstances and can range from coaching, to a verbal or
written warning, to immediate discharge. Because disciplinary decisions take into account the
seriousness of the behavior, your history of misconduct or performance problems, your length of
service with Lupin, your attitude about the behavior, and other factors, Lupin may alter the order
of, skip or eliminate, or create new and additional disciplinary steps.
It is impossible to compile an exhaustive list of the types of conduct that will result in disciplinary
action. Here are some examples:
• Making false statements or a job application
• Theft of Company property
• Excessive tardiness or absenteeism
• Discrimination or harassment in violation of Company policy and/or applicable law
• Arguing, fighting with, or threatening the physical safety of customers, coworkers,
managers, or supervisors; bringing a weapon into the workplace (to the maximum extent
permitted by applicable law); physically or verbally assaulting someone at work; or other
conduct in violation of the Violence Free Workplace policy
• Engaging in illegal conduct at work or while performing work for the Company, whether
on or off the Company’s premises
• Use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs at work; working under the influence of
alcohol or illegal drugs; or other conduct in violation of the Drug Free Workplace Policy
• Failing to carry out reasonable job assignments
• Violating any other Company policy or rules
If you feel the disciplinary action taken against you is wrong, you have the right to appeal. You
may present an appeal of the matter under the Open Door procedures defined in the Handbook.
Your appeal will be given careful consideration.