Page 3 - principles of management new_Neat
P. 3

2.  DIFFERENCE              BETWEEN              ADMINISTRATION                  AND


                       S.NO  BASIS                 OF  ADMINISTRATION  MANAGEMENT

                       1.      Policy             and  Determines policy to        Implements         the
                               objectives                be    followed      and  policy  and  achieve
                                                         decide the objectives     the objectives.
                                                         to be achieved.
                       2.      Directing of human        Not  directly  involves  Directly involves in
                               efforts                   in  the  execution  of  the  execution  of
                                                         plan and achievement  plan                   and
                                                         of objectives.            achievement          of
                       3.      Main function             Planning,  organizing  Directing,
                                                         and staffing.             motivation         and
                       4.      Levels of execution  Top level executives           Lower            level
                       5.      Position                  Acts as a principal       Acts as an agency
                       6.      Knowledge                 Requires                  Requires  technical
                                                         administrative ability  ability  more  than
                                                         more  than  technical  administrative
                                                         ability.                  ability.

                   3.  WHAT ARE THE FUNTIONS OF A MANAGER?
                           Planning the work
                           Taking decisions

                           Delegating authority
                           Solving the problems
                           Co-ordinates

                           Stimulating workers
                           Setting targets
                           Guiding subordinates

                           Arranging the facilities
                           Control the deviations
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