Page 8 - principles of management new_Neat
P. 8

It  insists  that  subordinate  should  get  instruction  from  only  one
                       superior. A subordinate should be assigned duties and responsibilities by

                       only one superior.

                   5.  EXPLAIN DECENTRALISATION
                              Decentralization  means  that  each  section  has  its  own  workers  to

                       perform activities within the department.

                   6.  DEFINE RESPONSIBILITIES

                              Responsibilities is the duties and activities assigned to a position or
                       to an executive

               5 MARKS

                   1.  DIFFERENCE            BETWEEN           FORMAL           AND        INFORMAL


                  S.NO  FORMAL ORGANISATION                         INFORMAL ORGANISATION

                  1.       It arises due to delegation  of          It arises due to social integration of
                           authority.                               people.
                  2.       It gives importance to terms of          It gives importance to people and
                           authority and function.                  their relationship.
                  3.       It is created deliberately.              It is spontaneous and natural.
                  4.       Formal authority is attached to a        Informal authority is attached to a
                           position.                                person
                  5.       Rules, duties and responsibilities       No such written rules and  duties
                           of workers are given in writing.         followed in informal organization.
                  6.       It comes from outsiders who are          It comes from those persons who are
                           superiors     in     the    line    of  objects of its control.
                  7.       Formal organization mat grown            Informal  organization  tends  to
                           to maximum size.                         remain smaller.
                  8.       Formal  authority  follows  from  Informal  authority  follows  from
                           upward to downward.                      downward to upward.
                  9.       Formal organization may grow to  Informal  organization  tends  to
                           maximum size.                            remain smaller.
                  10.      Formal organization is permanent  There is no such permanent nature
                           and stable.                              and stability.
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