Page 100 - AA 2018_11
P. 100

Traffic                                     Key aircraft movements

                                                    from across the region
                                                                                                            WRITER: GORDON REID

                                                                                                 Qantas 747-438 VH-OJT departs Brisbane
                                                                                                 bound for Los Angeles on its last revenue
                                                                                                            service. james baxter

         QANTAS GROUP NEWS          and on arrival was hangared for   QantasLink/Network ferried   swapping places with A330-202
        In this issue we report the   maintenance and repainting in   Fokker 100 VH-NHM from Perth   F-OJSE which on the same day
        withdrawal from service of a   the silver roo livery. It returned   to Port Hedland and Seletar as   operated SB980 from Noumea to
        Qantas 747-438 and the delivery of   to Brisbane from Singapore on   NWK6683/6684 on September 9   Hong Kong to enter maintenance.
        an A320 to Jetstar Japan.   September 17 as QF6013.      for maintenance and repainting in   Air New Zealand took delivery
          747-438 VH-OJT Fraser Island   787-9 VH-ZNG msn 36240/774   the silver roo livery.  of 787-9 ZK-NZN at Auckland
        was withdrawn from service on   is planned for delivery on   Jetstar Japan took delivery of   on September 16 after the aircraft
        September 22 in Los Angeles after   November 13 with 787-9 VH-ZNH   A320-232 JA24JJ msn 8429 at   ferried in from Paine Field as
        operating QF55 from Brisbane.   msn 36241/778 due to follow on   Narita on September 21 after the   NZ6092. ZK-NZN entered
        VH-OJT then spent three days in   November 26.           aircraft ferried in from Hamburg/  service with Air New Zealand on
        Los Angeles where its Kangaroo   737-838 VH-VZL had arrived   Finkinwerder via Abu Dhabi and   September 20 when it operated
        and Qantas titles were removed   in Townsville on August 24 for   Hanoi.             NZ101 from Auckland to Sydney.
        before being ferried to Mojave on   repainting in the silver roo livery                 787-9 ZK-NZQ was delivered
        September 25 where the aircraft   (Traffic/October) and returned to    AIRLINE NEWS   to Air New Zealand at Auckland
        will be reduced to parts.   service on September 9 when it   In this issue we report the   on September 21 after the aircraft
          VH-OJT’s retirement reduces   operated QF967 from Townsville   deliveries of two 787-9s to Air   ferried in from Paine Field as
        the Qantas 747 fleet to just nine   to Brisbane.         New Zealand and a Fokker 100 to   NZ6094. ZK-NZQ was the 13th
        aircraft: 747-438ERs VH-OEE,   737-838 VH-VXP operated   Alliance. Departing was a Beech   and final 787-9 on order with Air
        VH-OEF, VH-OEG, VH-OEH,     QF978 from Brisbane to       1900D of ANZ Link/Eagle while   New Zealand and entered service
        VH-OEI and VH-OEJ; 747-438s   Townsville on September 8 before   a 737-800 of Air Niugini was   on September 26 when it operated
        VH-OJS and VH-OJU and       entering the Flying Colours hangar   destroyed after a crash.   NZ101 from Auckland to Sydney.
        747-48E VH-OEB.             for repainting. On completion   Aircalin continues to operate   Air New Zealand has dry leased
          A380-842 VH-OQC, which had   of the repaint it ferried from   the Air Caraibes A330-223   777-212ER 9V-SVG msn 30872
        ferried into Dubai on September 3   Townsville to Brisbane on   F-OFDF on lease to cover   from Singapore Airlines to help
        from Singapore for maintenance   September 24 as QF6103.  maintenance on its A330-200   cover 787-9 engine problems.
        and repainting in the silver roo   737-838 VH-VZI Ballina   aircraft (Traffic/October).   The 777-212ER was registered to
        livery (Traffic/October), returned   ex ZK-ZQD (Traffic/October)   Having finished its   Air New Zealand as ZK-OKJ on
        to Sydney from Dubai as QF6012   commenced operations with   maintenance in Hong Kong   September 18 with delivery and
        on September 21.            Qantas on September 13 when it   Aircalin A330-202 F-OHSD   entry into service planned for
          A330-203 VH-EBO operated   operated QF503 from Brisbane to   operated SB981 from Hong Kong   mid-October.
        QF53 from Brisbane to Singapore   Sydney.                to Noumea on September 20,     777-219ER ZK-OKF completed

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