Page 102 - AA 2018_11
P. 102


                                                                                             Pago. On September 23 it departed
                                                                                             Darwin on a direct flight to Seletar
                                                                                             with a planned time of 10 hours 55
                                                                                                Helifix Operations PNG
                                                                                             Bell 412EP P2-HNZ, which had
                                                                                             arrived at Archerfield on August
                                                                                             25 (Traffic/October), was shipped
                                                                                             across the Tasman before being
                                                                                             ferried to Ardmore and New
                                                                                             Plymouth on September 20.
                                                                                                CGG Aviation (Australia)
         No fewer than four Cobham                                                           Cessna 208B/Supervan 900
         Aviation RJs parked at                                                              VH-FAY crashed into the northern
         Essendon on September 29                                                            Pacific on September 27 while
         after operating charter flights                                                     ferrying from Saipan to Chitose.
         from Perth for the AFL Grand                                                        Unfortunately the ferry pilot, the
         Final. victor pody                                                                  only person on board, was lost with
                                                                                             the aircraft.
        the Mustang departed Bankstown   maintenance. N881JC, which is   from the register on September 4   Cessna 208 N317AG, which is
        on September 12 for Broken Hill,   registered to the Bank of Utah at   (Traffic/October), was registered   registered to Gateway Air Center
        Ayers Rock and Darwin and   Salt Lake City, departed Perth for   N349CA to Commuter Air   of Merced, California, arrived at
        after overnighting continued to   Halim on October 4.    Technology on September 5.  the Gold Coast on September 23
        Manado.                        In propjet news Reims F406   King Air B200 VH-YZL     after completing its trans-Pacific
          Learjet 35A N950SP        VH-ZKY, which had ferried from   msn FL-351, which was cancelled   ferry from Merced via Honolulu
        msn 35A-350 arrived at Nowra   the Gold Coast to Apia on July 4,   from the register on August 27   and Apia.
        on September 23 from Merced   was cancelled from the register   (Traffic/October), was registered   Cessna U206F VH-IQU
        via Honolulu, Apia and the   on September 7 on its sale in the   N334CA to Commuter Air   departed Archerfield for Lord
        Gold Coast. N950SP had been   US. Its new owner is Woolpert of   Technology on September 5.  Howe Island and Norfolk Island
        registered to Gateway Air Center   Beaver Creek, Ohio.     King Air B200C msn BL-138   on September 15 before continuing
        of Merced, California but was   King Air 300C VH-MQD     was registered VH-FUS on    to Kerikeri on September 16.
        cancelled from the US register   msn FM-75 was registered to the   September 14 with the holder   Cessna 172S VH-YJF
        on September 24 as exported to   RFDS/South Eastern section on   GCH Aviation of Harewood, New   msn 172S-12046 departed
        Australia.                  September 28.                Zealand and the operator Sky Trek   Archerfield for Lord Howe Island
          Learjet 35A C-GTDM           King Air B300 VH-YZG      of Rosny Park, Tasmania. The   and Norfolk Island on September 1
        msn 35A-498, which was delivered   msn FL343, which was cancelled   King Air was previously registered   and after overnighting continued
        to Nowra on June 7 (Traffic/  from the register on August 27   in Australia as VH-HPZ before   to Kerikeri and Nelson. On
        August), was cancelled from the   (Traffic/October), was registered   moving to Indonesia in June   September 10 it was registered
        Canadian register on September 14   N343CA to Commuter Air   2005 as PK-JCA. It would later   ZK-NAX to Nelson Aviation
        as exported to Australia.   Technology of Oklahoma City on   become PK-YGT before arriving in   College.
          Learjet 35A C-GIWO        September 5.                 Jandakot in late April 2018.   Cessna 172S VH-YJH
        msn 35A-407, which was delivered   King Air B300 VH-YZH                              msn 172S-12047 departed
        to Nowra on August 8 (Traffic/  msn FL346, which was cancelled    FERRY FLIGHTS      Archerfield for Lord Howe and
        September), was cancelled   from the register on September 4   Baron G58 N2505Q msn TH-2505   Norfolk on September 1 before
        from the Canadian register on   (Traffic/October), was registered   arrived in Darwin on September 21   continuing to Kerikeri and Nelson
        September 14 as exported to   N364CA to Commuter Air     after a direct 11 hour 55 minute   where it arrived on September 3.
        Australia.                  Technology on September 5.   flight from Port Vila. Earlier the   On September 10 it was registered
          Westfield Aviation-operated   King Air B300 VH-YZJ     Baron had flown from Santa   ZK-NAR to Nelson Aviation
        Gulfstream G550 N613WF      msn FL-349, which was cancelled   Maria, California to Hilo and Pago   College.
        was registered N613LF to LFG
        Aviation of Dover, Delaware on   Erickson Sikorsky S-64E N176AC
        June 5.                       at Essendon. dave soderstrom
          Westfield Aviation-operated
        Gulfstream G550 N360WF was
        registered N360LF also to LFG
        Aviation on June 7.
          Hawker 1000 N517LR arrived
        at Essendon from Noumea on
        September 16. The aircraft,
        which is registered to Enterprise
        Transport Systems of South
        Portland, Maine, remained at
        Essendon until October 1 when it
        departed to Brisbane and Dili.
          Hawker 900XP N881JC
        arrived in Perth from Halim on
        September 12, reportedly for

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