Page 107 - AA 2018_11
P. 107
The right stuff
Finding the right flying school, and the right instructor
earning to fly is a challenge, and
meeting that challenge is part
of the enjoyment of gaining a
L licence, be it a private pilots
licence or a commercial licence with
the view to flying for a living.
No matter which path you choose,
picking the right flight school and
being matched with a good instructor
is essential for success.
Today there are three main paths to
becoming a pilot. The most accessible,
and typically most affordable, is
through sport aviation learning to
fly with a Recreational Aviation
Australia-accredited school on two-
seat, sub-600kg light sport aircraft,
typically flying in uncontrolled
For VH-registered general aviation
aircraft – ie anything over 600kg and
with more than two seats – the choice
of flight schools is increasingly limited.
More and more larger flight schools
are primarily interested in providing
Part 142 training, meaning full-time
pilot training courses with the view
of getting the student to a CPL in 150
hours. (Some Part 142 schools do look
for 200 hours for their CPL students Smaller schools might rely on Flying training is not cheap, but an instructor with the lowest level of
– the 150-hour licence may be good word of mouth advertising but some commercial training schools can experience and qualifications. That is
for a student from overseas but here can yield better results by more offer FEE HELP where a student can by no means necessarily a problem, all
in Australia a bare 150 CPL may make personal one-to-one training. get part or all of their training costs instructors have to start at the entry
the job of getting that first flying job seth jaworski paid for by a federal government loan. level, so why not? But some grade 3
harder due to the low flight hours.) In principle this is a good idea but instructors are just in the job for flight
So the Part 142 School might not be remember it is just that, a loan that hours before they move on to a charter
interested in a person going for just a has to be paid back when the borrower job or even an airline position. And
private pilot’s licence on a fly-once-a- earns a certain salary level. While so their heart may not be in training
week basis. some schools will sell the idea of just and that will soon show. Alternatively,
That person might do better with a get a FEE HELP loan and all will be one can strike it lucky and get a great
Part 141 school which can work on the sweet, the negative side to the deal is grade 3 or even a grade 2, one who is
basis of training a pilot for the PPL or that if the wannabee pilot gets that knowledgeable and enthusiastic and
the CPL on an infrequent basis. CPL or does not get the licence the is prepared to give their all to get the
Beyond choosing the correct loan still has to be paid back. budding student through to licence
pathway, picking a flight school is And invariably by the time the pilot level.
best done with a bit of research. Visit is earning a salary that requires the Rarer still is the grade 1 instructor,
various schools in person, and listen to FEE HELP loan to be repaid, life’s who should have a lot of experience to
feedback from past students who have other pressures – family, mortgage, pass on to a flight student, assuming
flown at a particular school. etc – means that the loan has to start that they are not tied up with more
And not everything comes down being paid back just when finances advanced training such as instrument
to price, some schools will appear to are tight. This is a consideration not work and twin-engine training, or
have low-cost flight training while ‘Picking a really discussed with potential loan even just management of the school.
others might appear to have high- candidates. Rest assured, with effort and
cost training. But that pricing can flight school For those set on a private pilots research, you can find a good school.
reflect the type of aircraft used for licence the quest is to pick not only the Seek and you will find is a good motto
the training and the quality of the is best done right school but to get paired with a that is so applicable in the quest for
instructors and the training there. good instructor. a good flight school and instructor.
Remember, ‘You only get what with a bit of Not surprisingly, it is quite Good luck!
you pay for’ is particularly relevant common for a budding flight student
in aviation. research.’ to be allocated a grade 3 instructor – ie Contact Dave:
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