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An Australian visionary

             ERIC ALLEN
                             Lawrence Wackett – the father of major aircraft production in Australia - Part 1

                                                                                           temptation to venture into an area
                                                                                           best left to the mother country. The
                                                                                           machinations were astounding. Sir
                                                                                           John Salmond, the retiring chief of
                                                                                           the RAF, visited Australia and echoed
                                                                                           the sentiments of the Society of British
                                                                                           Aircraft Constructors that the RAAF
                                                                                           should purchase aircraft from Britain.
                                                                                             In an amazing chain of events,
                                                                                           after an announcement on June 24
                                                                                           1929, the Randwick Station was
                                                                                           closed citing financial reasons.
                                                                                           Furious at this, Wackett transferred
                                                                                           equipment and skilled personnel to
                                                                                           the Cockatoo Dockyard in Sydney
                                                                                           Harbour following a government
           awrence Wackett was a visionary     The Wackett-designed Tugan   an honours degree.  announcement that seaplane repair
           whose drive and determination   Gannett.           Wanting to gain aircraft design   facilities would be set up. Fortunately
           saw major aircraft production                    experience, in January 1924 he   the Chief of the Air Staff agreed with
        L established in Australia. Born                    was appointed the RAAF’s Chief   the decision, enabling the retention of
        in Townsville on January 2 1896,                    Technical Officer, heading the RAAF   expertise with the dockyard receiving
        inspired by the exploits of aviation                Experimental Station established   some RAAF maintenance work.
        pioneers and with a strong interest                 at Randwick, Sydney. The initial   The dockyard also performed civil
        in mechanical devices, he joined                    design was the Widgeon I flying   work such as repairs to Sir Charles
        Royal Military College, Duntroon on                 boat, G-AEKB, powered by a 230hp   Kingsford Smith’s Fokker F.VIIb/3m
        March 13 1913. After the declaration of             (170kW) Armstrong Siddeley Puma,   trimotor Southern Cross. Impressed
        war an aviation path followed, joining              which first flew on December 3 1925.   with Wackett’s expertise, Sir Charles
        the Australian Flying Corps at Point                  The Randwick team’s next effort   asked him to increase the fuel capacity
        Cook, where in August 1915 he trained               was the more ambitious Widgeon II   of his Lockheed Altair Lady Southern
        on Bristol Boxkites and B.E. biplanes               amphibian with a 400hp (300kW)   Cross for its historic first eastward
        prior to departing for Egypt serving                Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar, notably   Pacific crossing in 1934.
        with No 1 Squadron AFC.                             completing an around Australia flight.    Wackett was also approached by
          Wackett’s mechanical initiative                     Next was the Wackett Warrigal I   Sir Charles to design and build an
        was noticed after devising inventions               multi-purpose aircraft and     aircraft for an airline he wanted to
        aiding aircraft gunnery, resulting in a             Warrigal II, believed to be the first   start in New Zealand which emerged
        transfer to Orford Ness Experimental                Australian-built all-metal aircraft.  as the six-seater Codock, a high-
        Station, Suffolk to witness aircraft                  Wackett also designed and    wing aircraft powered by two 160hp
        construction, prior to a posting to                 financed the Warbler ultralight   (112kW) Napier Javelins. The maiden
        No 3 Squadron AFC in France. Aware                  aircraft weighing 320kg, powered by   flight was performed by Kingsford
        of Wackett’s inventiveness, General                 a 25hp (19kW) 1,490cc two-cylinder   Smith from Mascot on March 6 1934.
        John Monash asked him to devise a                   horizontally-opposed Wizard engine   During November 1933 the Tugan
        method to accurately drop supplies in               which only weighed 34kg.       Aircraft Company was established
        the field, solved by designing a carrier              During this period Wackett   at Mascot with Wackett as general
        with a parachute to drop ammunition                 served as honorary aide-de-camp to   manager, again using staff from
        ammunition was delivered using this  ‘General       Governor General Lord Stonehaven   the defunct Randwick Station. An
        boxes. When over 90,000kg of
                                                                                           improved version of the Codock, the
                                                            for five years. His final duty was to fly
        Monash recommended Wackett be  John Monash          the Governor General from Sydney   LJW-7 Gannet powered by two 200hp
        method during the Battle of Hamel,
                                                            Harbour to RAAF Base Richmond
                                                                                           (150kW) DH Gipsy Six engines, was
          Following the war he would join  asked him        demonstrated to Lord Stonehaven   first example, VH-UUZ, performed
        awarded £300.                                       in the Widgeon II. Although it   built with the maiden flight of the
        the nascent Royal Australian Air   to devise a      Australia’s ability in aircraft design   by John Chapman from Mascot on
        Force, becoming the service’s first                 and construction, there were others   October 12 1935. The RAAF acquired
        technical officer at headquarters,   method to      who were displeased, which would   six for air ambulance, photographic
        Victoria Barracks, Melbourne.                       erupt with far reaching consequences.  and survey tasks.
        Wackett realised he needed a tertiary   accurately    The British aircraft industry   These events preceded profound
        degree to become an aeronautical                    became alarmed at Australia    changes for Wackett and his role
        engineer. In recognition of his practical   drop supplies   demonstrating an independence and   in establishing Australia’s major
        experience he entered Melbourne                     ability to design and build aircraft.   aviation manufacturing industry, set
        modified science course and received  in the field.’  It firmly believed Australia should   against some vehement criticism from
        University at third year level in a
                                                                                           overseas interests.
                                                            buy British aircraft and resist the
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